Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 31 July 2020

in #news4 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:11) Cartoon of the social media companies testifying before the U.S. Congress;
  • (01:31) Twitter account suspension appeal, 'review' drags out beyond 48 hours;
  • (06:55) State of Ohio withdraws ban on Hydroxychloroquine;
  • (08:42) Fighting censorship;
  • (11:23) Push back against "Operation Inclusion" with "Operation Restoration";
  • (16:50) Tweet from U.S. President about mail-in voting;
  • (17:50) Violence in U.S. cities: Armed Minneapolis residents now patrolling neighborhoods as leaders fail to take charge;
  • (22:22) NOT 'peaceful protesters' in Seattle;
  • (23:44) Cancel culture's assault on journalism;
  • (27:15) Mark Taylor's comments;
  • (28:53) Kneeling in professional sports;
  • (30:43) Economy;
  • (34:45) Evictions and next stimulus package;
  • (36:11) Gold;
  • (39:06) programming change and upcoming guest;
  • and more..

44 minute video by Greg Hunter published 30 July 2020


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on HIVE: @usawatchdog

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The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the USAWatchDog, give Greg's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.

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Hola @etcmike, sí que tienen poder las redes sociales, gracias por el video, fue muy informativo.

Hola @etcmike… He elegido tu post para mi iniciativa diaria de reblogear. Este es mi aporte para Hive…
Sigamos trabajando y aportando ideas para crecer en Hive!...
Hello @etcmike... I have chosen your post for my daily reblogging initiative. This is my contribution to Hive...
Let's keep working and giving ideas to grow in Hive!

Hola @etcmike, los economistas tenían razón al decir que toda esta situación apenas estaba comenzando.

Saludos @etcmike, como lo han mencionado la economía está muriendo esperemos que quien la tome pueda revivirla.

Que tal @etcmike, la tecnología siempre va a favorecer a quien la sepa usar, lamentablemente no siempre se usara adecuadamente.

Thank you very much for your video information, have a nice weekend

Greg covers a lot... Thanks Mike...

great information with GREG HUNTER, THANKS for SHARING