Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 4 September 2020

in #news4 years ago

Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.


  • (00:11) "Spark of Violence" in the U.S.;
  • (06:02) U.S. voter fraud;
  • (07:27) Problems in state of New York;
  • (09:32) Policy positions of U.S. democrat presidential candidate;
  • (12:54) Video of Nancy Pelosi caught mask-less in shuttered beauty salon;
  • (15:26) U.S. Justice Dept. plans to file antitrust charges against Google;
  • (16:36) Censorship of U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) COVID numbers;
  • (19:56) Ephesians 6:12;
  • (21:04) D20;
  • (24:00) Statement by former Dallas U.S. Federal Reserve president;
  • (25:30) 881,000 Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week;
  • (27:13) U.S. stock market drop;
  • (30:03) Gold;
  • (31:22) Real estate in U.S. cities;
  • (32:05) Commentary;
  • and more..

36 minute video by Greg Hunter published 3 September 2020


Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on Hive: @usawatchdog

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Eso es lo bueno de los resúmenes amigo @etcmike, me pongo al día en cuestión de minutos, Gracias Feliz domingo.

Hola @etcmike, cada día es más crítico, gracias por esta entrevista de Greg Hunter. Que tengas un buen fin de semana.

Saludos @etcmike, cruda realidad la que nos muestran en este resumen de Greg H. pero es mejor así, gracias y buen fin de semana.

Great video interview with GREG HUNTER, thank you very much for sharing,have a good week

I think the plan is to make it impossible to announce the winner of the election.

video interview with GREG HUNTER interesting, thank you for sharing