Germany Gives SHOCKING WARNING! - Stock Up Now! - Supply Chain Breakdown Is Coming!

in #newslast year

See the FULL video report HERE:

germany gives shocking warning thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the news out of Germany as the German government warns people to stock up on food and water as the winter approaches and not only is the energy crisis a risk, but the collapse of the supply chain is as well.
German officials have been saying for months that there is nothing to truly worry about. That anyone who claims the energy crisis is going to lead to blackouts, lack of heating and food shortages were "conspiracy theorists."
Now, the German government is acknowledging that there will indeed by blackouts, lack of heating and food shortages. As the weather gets colder, they're now telling people to go out and buy storable food and water.
At this point, time is clearly running out and the risk of famine is rising.
We are seeing the same thing we saw in Germany earlier this year begin in the United States as Americans are also warned of blackouts that will affect 25% of people. Not to mention a diesel crisis.
Most of this is being purposely exacerbated by the governments of the world, via false flags and climate policies.
The controlled collapse is leading to the collapse of empires and the rise of a technocratic tyrannical super-state with a new cashless economy.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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