Masking Children Is CHILD ABUSE! - Doctor CALLS OUT Michigan's Whitmer On UNSCIENTIFIC Mandate!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report HERE:

masking children is child abuse doctor calls out thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the stunning brainwashing of the masses to mask their young children after Michigan's tyrant, Gretchen Whitmer pushes forward a mask mandate to mask children ages 2 to 4 years old.
Of course, such a mandate isn't just tyrannical, it is plain and simple child abuse.
We've seen children being forced by parents to walk down the street even along beaches on hot days with masks on, decreasing their oxygen levels and essentially giving them long term brain damage.
On top of the health effects like lack of brain oxygen and lung infections, it is also traumatizing children and destroying their view of basic humanity.
In this video, we break down the insanity of these mandates and why it's WRONG... As if it wasn't clear enough already.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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In Austria and parts of Germany it is even worse - they are forcing children (from 10/14y onwards) to wear FFP2 masks!

Good Joob Brow