Vaccine SCAM EXPOSED! - As Jab Passports Are DEPLOYED, Studies Show Jab Is Inefficient & DANGEROUS!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report on BitChute HERE:

vaccine scam exposed as jab passports are deployed thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent studies examining the actual efficacy of the vaccine being forced upon millions of people against their will, threatening their health and their freedom all the while.

We delve into a Lancet article showing a study of vaccine efficacy which appears to clearly point out that the government study (the one and only efficacy study) only looked at one factor which manipulated the findings of the study and presented a false conclusion. Despite this, the UK has gone through with their vaccine passport. Australia is locking down again despite numbers being extremely low. California is bribing people to get the jab.
And it also begs the question, what is the vaccine even efficient FOR? Covid has never been isolated from a single human being ever. It has only been isolated from viral monkey kidney cells.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover this issue closely!


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Many vaccines were released before their final trial results were published, and many contain a common cold virus, so what is the truth? Is there really protection with the vaccine?