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RE: California Proceeds With Caution Regarding Underage Marriage Bill

in #news5 years ago

No problem! it is always a pleasure to read your stuff on this subject. And hopefully your stuff gives more people the initiative to speak up more on this subject and issue. because I know there are more out there but for one reason or another are afraid to speak up on this matter. Because the minute you come at this subject without being part of that mob mentality on this people often demonize you for that. But ya know what? I say whatever if it upsets the hive mind or gets the mob mentality heated then let it. Many people barely grasp this subject very deeply and as a result they are not very informed, and when do come at them with something that challenges their stuff they either stubbornly brush it off or try to feel the more moral superior by putting one down or comparing such things to pedophilia etc. when there is a clear difference between everything.

The more people that speak up on this the better because we cannot hide behind a false sense of security forever, we cannot brush off everything forever without looking at the picture as a whole. Folks are going to have to address and learn about things.