
Many of the arson reports made by civilians mention fireworks (and molotovs, which rioters demonstrably have been using), and the rioters have been using fireworks as means to disrupt police for many weeks now.

I sure hope local law enforcement are testing these firework remains for taggants, which are included in the manufacturing process, so that if the same batches are used both in riots and wildfire arson that can be proved.

FBI is compromised and stating that Antifa is a good boy that doesn't start wildfires, although Loren Cannon (SAC PDX FBI Field Office, promoted from HR by James Comey) lies because there's no way that can be proved now, or even at all, since they have only a dozen or so arsonists in custody, and one of them is Jeff Acorde (sp?) of Puyallup, who is definitely Antifa/BLM.

County Sheriffs need to do their own tests, using private labs if necessary, and share info with each other to sidestep FBI obstruction.