NFT Games: Taking the fun out of normal games, almost.

in #nftgaming2 years ago

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I used to play a ton of games when I was younger. Yes, I did have way fewer responsibilities back then, but I also enjoyed it way more than I do now. Right up until NFT games came along. It re-ignited my love for games. Even though I do not actively play a lot of them, the passive factor helps a lot, knowing you are still "playing" even when you are not.

I love the technology of new games. The graphics and gameplay have come a long way since I was a young kid with my box monitor and crappy setup. Playing Need for Speed and Indiana Jones. Those nights were some of my best gaming experiences and memories. So many weekends we would pack up our whole setup and visit a friend's house to play right through the night. Then I got a little older and moved further and further away from most people I used to play with. I mean if I really wanted I could have still played online, but it is just not the same. Being in a room with people and playing together just had that special place in my heart. I still play some games from time to time, or at least buy them to try them out for an hour or two, but I rarely finish them anymore. Just can't sit still long enough to really get into it. There is always something else that needs doing. That is where NFT games change so many things...

With NFT gaming you can actively play or passively, the fact that you own all your assets and they can generate you an income is still blowing my mind every other week. Playing them is great, but not in the sense of sitting in front of your computer or phone for hours on end. No, this is more of planning, strategizing, thinking of what to do to earn a little more. So many things that play a role with NFT games. We just got to love how intricate and special some of these projects are and I can honestly not wait to see what new games await us in 2022. If you told me 5 years ago that I would spend over a thousand dollars on a game I would have laughed and called you crazy, nowadays some people are asking, only a thousand? It was such a strange idea in the past, yet now it is pretty normal for people to play games that are on a blockchain. It did kind of take the fun out of normal games since now I keep thinking about how a game would be if it was on the blockchain. How it could have been run, or how the items and markets will work. The tokens and scarcity of the items. It all spins around in my head when I am playing a normal game. Not saying it is bad, but it sure is fun to think about. Here is to many more mind-bending games in 2022! Let's have fun and make some money in the process!-


After knowing that you can have fun AND monetize it too... there's really no going back. Splinterlands alone gets my gaming fix, but curious to see what else will come along! ;)

Yeah there really is no going back. I love Splinterlands too, but still want something more interactive to play that can also make me some money. Hopefully, a real (good) shooter like that comes out.

I can remember all the times that we just sat in front from the computer for hours till morning hours those days were fun. I loved the Need for speed games can you remember.