Can't Believe I Found These - Brain Wash Carbonated Drinks!

in #nostalgia4 years ago (edited)

What a blast from the past! I came across this shopping at a small candy store that specializes in all the vintage penny candies many of us older folks ate as kids. They're not a penny anymore now though! Stuff like Swedish Fish, Razzles gum, Fun Dip, licorice strings... Oh the childhood memories of going to the corner store with a dollar and leaving with a huge bag of candy!

Anyway, I'm digressing and I haven't even started yet! Finding a store that specialized in all that was cool enough, but then tucked against the far wall I discovered the full line of these sodas featuring my favorite blast from the past BRAIN WASH! Seriously, I'm dancing around my office doing my happy dance with each sip! With each gulp I'm flooded with so many memories of my past!

Back in the mid 90s The Dood raved, worked in night clubs, and basically had fun for a living. I shared a small studio apartment with my fiance on a busy street corner in North Buffalo now considered Buffalo's little Italy. I worked all night and slept through most of the day. Each afternoon I'd wake up, rub the sleep from my eyes, smoke a bong or two and a couple cigarettes then stumble across the street to the tiny hippy smoke shop on the opposite corner from my apartment and start my day with one of these!


I'd spend at least an hour talking to the old hippy that ran the smoke shop jabbering about the rave from the night before, or whatever craziness happened in club land the previous night. Sometimes he'd tell me stories about touring with The Dead in the 70s while classic rock blasted away in the background. He was a great guy and an awesome friend. I often wonder how he's doing. The old smoke shop is gone now and replaced with an antique store. Funny how people just fade out of your life sometimes.


I tried to get a decent image of the ingredients. It pretty much consists of a combination of Jalapeno Oil, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, Gotu Kola, Kola Nut, Guarana, Skullcap, Clove, Damiana and Sage. Believe it or not, they actually taste delicious, and after you slug down one of these you're bouncing off the wall for a little bit.


I absolutely love the artwork found on these bottles.


I love it. Pre-millenium paranoia minded soda! Some of us already knew what was coming! LMAO seriously not funny though.


I don't know about all that, but it does pair nicely with a couple bong hits!


Anyway, it's all gone. Delicious. What a blast from the past! Funny how different things can bring back a flood of memories. Can't believe that was probably close to 25 years ago. Now I just want to hop on that old beat up Yamaha Maxim I used to keep parked in the back alley on the side of the building and see if anyone is still hanging at the after-party! 🤣 Man time flies! Cheers!


great drink of the past, thank you for sharing, have a nice weekend

You too my friend! Cheers!

What a name for a drink, never had this in my country though. It definitely is tempting from the name but the icon may freak people off😂

Yeah, this was at the very start of the energy drink craze. There were a lot of smaller companies trying to copy the "smart bars" that were popping up at rave parties. The "smart bars" would be like a juice / soda bar where they would make a concoction of juice and herbal supplements. If you knew the guy they might slip something "extra" in there for ya too. Think "acid test". Each drink would have a weird name though like "Cherry Blast Off", "Mind Bender" or my favorite "Cabonated Holy Water". Some of the early energy drink companies tried to copy and cash in on what was happening in the underground scene.