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RE: Something To Chew On That'll Enhance Your Shit

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Being from Vegas it's probably tough to believe you can't just drink wherever you feel like. I remember back in '08'ish I took a break from City Center and hung out with a friend in McKinleyville for a weekend. I cracked a beer in the parking lot of a little market there and they rushed me out so fast threatening all kinda stuff.

Ok, relax. I'm leaving.

Ever been to Sonoma Market?

Negative. I've been to the raceway once, made a couple stops at a couple stands, other than that, took Pura's great grandmother to her favorite spot twice called The Palms, that's it. They all knew her name there, gave her the same table each visit, same meal. Died 2 weeks shy of 101 years old. They treated her like royalty. As did I.


Too funny... We would go to the laundromat in the same parking lot. Lived about mile from there. The park across the street is pretty nice.