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RE: That Was A Mouthful

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Hello Annabelle, thank you.

We just returned from Europe a day early because I told LivingUK a couple months ago we'd be there and didn't realize until a few weeks ago our return flight was in fact today—the 18th. Mayday! But a couple swapparoo's and here we are, back in England a day early. See you soon. =}

Chizz! (My British impression of 'cheers') :wink:



We've been scuppered @dandays - Lady Dorothy's welding isn't finished, so we can't make it...

Gutted to be missing out on a good old catch up.

Annabelle 😔

No wonder I can't find you. I've been asking around for you since 1 o'clock!

So sorry we missed you...hope you had a lovely time!

Annabelle 😔

So sorry we missed you, @dandays! I hope you had a lovely time...
