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RE: Something To Chew On That'll Enhance Your Shit

Legal-Ease & Deez Nutz...

Legal Document # 696969


I had to investigate and initiated a crime scene reenactment. Both of wich I am highly qualified to do now that I have forensics studied and also watched Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown and also Wapner. Then I deposed and took part in legal studies of your non-television. Television ramblings. The jury is still out and like me. Are well Hung... (dotdotdot)

My highly admicible in court findings were that inches and angles would have resulted in evidence of both "Kakis" and a "Drivers Seat." Those items would have been found to be in possessions of a very huge and handsome set of "Deez Nutz" also 100% legal. All of these findings are legally binding and are the property of @krazzytrukker
