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RE: The Good The Bad And The Urinals

in #outofthinair2 years ago

Yeah moving is definitely like that, especially when you have pets and have to bring them across the ocean on a plane. I'm dreading it.

I'm 36 and on working on my second career. I was a fire sprinkler designer for 5 years but then went back to university to get a psychology degree and then Master in Social Work. We came to France right after I graduated so I haven't actually gotten into it yet. But will on our return. That's the plan anyway. We will see.


Ooh pets. I never even considered that one. Yeah, man that's gonna be a task.

I was a Union Electrician for 22 years, damn Fitters were always in our way. =}

You got this Leaky. 👊🏼

I was a Union Electrician for 22 years, damn Fitters were always in our way. =}

That sounds familiar. I remember that now that you mention it. I think we had this convo before haha 😆

Thanks man 👊