This is why I hate you all // Por eso odio a todos ustedes

in #palnet3 years ago

I can’t wait to go back to the good times when cops and random dudes who wear socks with sandals pull guns on me for wearing a mask in a store.

No puedo esperar a volver a los buenos tiempos cuando policías y tipos al azar que usan calcetines con sandalias me apunten con armas por usar una tapaboca en la tienda.


I can’t wait for Democrats to take Cuban-Americans by the hand so they can shake it right before they Elián our González.


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No puedo esperar a que los Democrats tomen a los Cubano-Americanos de la mano para que la estrechen justo antes de que Elián nuestro González.

But most importantly, I can’t wait until the Biden election victory is confirmed so I can listen to another 4 years of political whining.

Pero lo más importante es que no puedo esperar a que se confirme la victoria electoral de Biden para poder escuchar otros 4 años de lloriqueos políticos.

Bring on the Black Friday Fights.

Trae las peleas del Viernes Negro.

🍿 🍿 🍿


Are there even gonna be Black Friday fights this year?

I have faith in Americans to brawl over $3 DVDs and flatscreen shitbox Onn smart TVs.

I wasn't sure for a while because I thought maybe they had gotten it out of their systems fighting over toilet paper this spring and looting in the name of racial justice.

That was the bonus round.

But some places are locked down this year. So, less brawls... in theory. Maybe we will see Black Friday looting instead.

Yes but they were locked down when the whites decided to loot to show they aren’t racist.

Have faith my brotha