War is Over, If We Want It: The Path To World Peace In 7 Simple Steps

in #peace5 years ago (edited)

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I believe that humanity is ready for true peace on earth, for the true freedom of humanity from the chains foisted upon us by the few global elite and men of power enslaving us; and that our generation in time sits poised to usher in a new age of peace and freedom upon this planet, or perhaps instead the greatest cycle of violence and human oppression the world has ever seen. Humanity sits at a fork in the road of time upon this planet, and though the planet earth and surely most people upon it are ready, will humanity continue to choose the viscous cycle of violence and perpetual war we have for thousands of years endured, or will we choose the Way of Peace?

For those who seek the path to peace and human freedom, I propose the following seven simple steps we as Americans (and all of humanity, really) can take to end the perpetual state of war we now find ourselves living in, which will instead bring peace, and it will do so without a single shot being fired.

These steps are simple, but not necessarily easy by any means, though I propose that if even a few of these steps were taken by most of the population, or all taken by only a fraction of the population, it would be enough to swing the pendulum back in the direction of peace. And while these steps will definitely bring peace if followed by enough people, peace can indeed be even more spontaneous, as detailed in my recent post on the Christmas Truce of 1914, where soldiers on the front lines from both sides of the 'Great War' just seemingly out of the blue laid down their arms and celebrated Christmas together as friends, brothers, and comrades.

All it would really take for war to end is for the foot-soldiers and imperial pawns on the front lines of the wars around the world to lay down their arms and refuse to fight and kill their brothers in humanity any longer. But since this type of scenario is highly unlikely to spontaneously occur without additional help in the form of a mass awakening of the human consciousness around the world – which has in fact already begun – I put forth these seven steps to help guide anyone who wishes to join the front lines of the battle for peace on our beautiful earth. This is surely the largest and most important war to be fought in this world during our lifetimes, and this intense battle is already being waged in the minds and hearts of men and women across the face of the entire earth.

Step 1: Break free from any & all ideologies which teach that war is 'necessary'

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. ― George Orwell, 1984

The first order of business for anyone who truly wants to manifest peace on earth is to break free from the Orwellian double-speak of the century which falsely claims that 'War is Peace'; and which teaches war brings peace, security and freedom. It should go without saying that a population which believes war is necessary, honorable or good in any way will not be the population to usher in an age of lasting world peace. Yet I am still surprised by the sheer number of people who deep down in their hearts truly do want peace on earth, and yet at the very same time defend war as absolutely necessary or even as being waged for some higher good in some way.

World War One is a great example for exposing this false belief which keeps the masses kneeling at the feet of their masters who are the greedy warmongers and war profiteers, for this so-called Great War was also known as 'The War to End All Wars', and yet it most certainly did not end war, but rather ushered in the rise of the global American Empire which has been wreaking havoc across the earth for over 100 years since, and even much more so since 9/11/01 - which gave rise to the rapid expansion of the American Empire and reinvigorated the western war machine. War truly is like a fix, a drug, which the masses are hooked on, as Howard Zinn put it so well.

War is like a fix, you know, you get high on war - "we won, we won" - and then you get down on the ground again and you need another fix, you need another war. Why do you think we have war after war after war after war? Every war they say "this is the end, this is the last war," and World War One, they said "this is the war to end all wars," and then not long after that was World War Two, and then soon the United States was waging war in Korea and then in Vietnam. If you study history what you learn is that wars are always accompanied by lies. Wars are always accompanied by deception. - Howard Zinn

And the greatest deceptions of all of these many lies is that war is in any way good or necessary, found in both mainstream politics and organized religion.

'Patriotism' is likely the top ideology in America which has been successfully used to foment support for unnecessary wars by the masses, and is used as a political weapon among the people in order to continually perpetuate more endless war. It is just as Vinnie Paz said in the last line of his song, You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train (in which the above words of Howard Zinn are also featured), “The patriotic fervor of war had been invoked; That's why the country that you live in is a f-ckin' joke.” This sense of patriotism, of love for one's country and countrymen can be quite strong, and the warmongering politicians know this, and use it to their full advantage. And there is nothing wrong with loving one's countrymen, but when this love for country becomes greater than one's love for humanity, the State can then carry out the greatest evils known to man with the full support of the masses, and this is the sad state of our nation today.

The second major ideology in this country I've seen used by numerous warmongers to pass war off as good or necessary is a religious ideology found throughout much of organized Christianity; which teaches that man currently exists on this earth in a 'fallen, sinful state' from which they say he is entirely unable to rise above no matter what, and is therefore entirely incapable of creating peace on earth in any meaningful way. And so it is taught that war is necessary in this age and that peace is impossible until 'the second coming of Jesus Christ', which these say is the only thing that can ever bring an end to war and usher in an age of world peace. So pray for peace, they say, but know there is nothing you can do to make this desired peace a reality. These have made sure their devout followers believe they are powerless to be the change they want to see in the world, and that 'believing in Jesus' (and more importantly believing these religious teachers of course), is the absolute most we can practically do to make peace on earth a reality. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Thankfully not all Christians teach and believe such dis-empowering ideology, and many are actively working to create peace on earth, realizing the truth that peace is sown by peacemakers, not peace-dreamers. After all, wasn't it the words of Jesus which Christians around the world claim to follow as their savior who said: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”? And thankfully at the same time a large number of Americans are also waking up from a former blind allegiance to patriotism which had previously kept them hooked on war.

Fear perpetuates war, for when the people fear an 'enemy', they are more easily led to promote violence and even large-scale war against this perceived enemy or so-called 'threat to national security'. Thus the political, religious, and media controllers seek to keep the masses in a constant state of fear. Fear is the greatest enemy of Love, and thus breeds hatred, seen in the violence of war perpetrated against our fellow human brothers and sisters around the world, which so many of us so wholeheartedly support or even take part in ourselves. Overcome your fears, and then you will find it easy to break free from the ideologies which keep humanity enslaved in the ideologies feeding the endless cycles of perpetual war.

The first step to creating peace on earth is to know peace is possible, and war unnecessary; and this is known best when we begin to realize that as individuals we are all part of one human family, humanity, and that we are not meant to and certainly don't need to be killing off our brothers and sisters of humanity on such massive scales as war necessitates. Love will always overcome fear and bring peace, but until we learn to begin loving all of humanity, even those we have been taught from an early age are our enemies, it will be quite difficult to overcome the fear and impossible for world peace to be fully realized.

Step 2: Know that world peace is possible, that peace starts within, and start visualizing peace on earth instead of dwelling on the constant violence fed to us by the TV

Once you have freed yourself from the ideologies which necessitate war, you will also need to not only believe, but also know deep within yourself that true peace is possible, and also that true peace on earth starts within you, not outside you on the battlefields of the world. Once you see that war is unnecessary, and peace possible, begin envisioning this peace on earth, a far more perfect world, and what a world ruled by true Love would really look like.

If you have trouble with this, my New Year's post about creating peace on earth sought to do just that – to paint a picture of what this heaven on earth might look like, and to demonstrate that this alternate reality is also a real possibility, if we just choose to make it so. Below is a favorite song of mine also included in that post which I think really does an amazing job at painting this picture which we must be able to first envision if we are to ever make it a reality – Perfect World by K-Rino (song with lyrics):

Envisioning the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914 certainly also helps me to envision this more perfect reality of peace, where love conquers fear, and the truth of peace is triumphant over the hatred and deception of war. Spending some time away in the peace, quiet and freedom of the great outdoors can also do wonders to get our minds and hearts off the daily worries of the world and instead focused on a beautiful vision of peace on earth where love always has the last say in everything.

And then begin to live your new vision day by day, doing random acts of kindness and choosing to love people you hadn't loved before, or loving them deeper, or choosing to love in ways you hadn't previously thought of. It isn't easy, but all of us on this journey to peace must learn to love again, for the systems of this world have been working overtime to teach humanity how to hate – and sadly they have succeeded, though not entirely, as the human spark of light-love within us all cannot be entirely extinguished from humanity in any generation. (Although they are working tirelessly to do just that to this very generation, probably because they know we are the generation tasked with ushering in the coming age of peace which, if successful, will dethrone them all.)

A quick note on TV programming and the power of the human heart and mind (and what they dwell upon) -
We become what we think, and we create what we feel; our thoughts create our reality and our emotions create the reality of the world around us. Much recent science has proved this deeper power of the human mind and heart beyond a shadow of a doubt, though many posts could be made on just this one topic, so I will give a most brief summary of this inherent inner power of all humanity. I am familiar with some of the works of Gregg Braden on this, so would point you in that direction for more in-depth related information if you are interested, though there are many others working to empower humanity with these deeper truths known to all the spiritual masters throughout the ages but which science is only now beginning to recognize over the course of the past few decades.

Our thoughts and even our emotions are but vibrations of energy – electrical and magnetic energy – which interact with the universe around us, and particularly the electromagnetic energy field of the earth (known by many names including "the divine matrix"); which these researchers teach responds proportionally to the human energy put out through our hearts and minds. Our heart is a literal electromagnetic generator many times stronger than even our brain, and creates a force-field around the human body emanating from the heart and extending to about 8-10 feet in sphere of energy around us. Emotions are the energy waves created by the heart, and the four most powerful of these are Compassion, Love, Gratitude and Appreciation. This personal energy-field affects us and everyone we come into close proximity with throughout the day, whether we realize it or not.

There are many experiments which have demonstrated the science of this phenomenon. So in essence, when we think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions, we are in turn creating positive energy which after leaving the body is then 'bounced back' to earth in some place and way which creates a proportionally equal positive outcome. Also known as the Law of Attraction; in the Bible it is stated in one place as, "You Reap What You Sow"; in the eastern religions this spiritual/metaphysical 'law of cause and effect' is called Karma. What goes around comes around - it's now a scientifically proven reality of our world, both in the physical realm and also in the unseen realms of thought, emotion and spirit.

When the mind (thought) and the heart (emotions) are in tune, this in turn creates feelings which are the most powerful energy waves put out by the human body. And so by controlling and directing these feelings, we release our inner power to create anything we can imagine, including world peace. As Gregg Braden likes to put it, what the science of today has begun to reveal is that true prayer is but focused emotion or directed feeling, and whether or not prayers go unanswered or not has little to do with who one is praying to, but rather how they are praying.

It would seem then that prayer does in fact work to bring about 'miracles', just not in quite the way the religious leaders have been telling us it did... So-called miracles are only called such until the science of the day is able to explain the physics behind them, just as it was with miraculous 'raising of the dead' before medical machines were invented which do just that - bring people pronounced medically dead back to life in this physical realm.

Now a word on the MSM, TV programming, and how the so-called 'news' fits into this bigger picture of our metaphysical reality here on earth. TV programming absolutely programs the mind which watches it. It is not called a Television for no reason, as that little black box in the corner of the room is constantly Telling Lies to our Vision: Tell-Lie-Vision. And there is good reason the news is constantly using this hidden power to implant visions of the widespread violence throughout the world into our minds and hearts on constant basis – in order to perpetuate the violence. Knowing this, it should make even more sense as to why the news is constantly filling the minds of those who watch and read it with nonstop stories of war and violence and famine and 'natural' disasters and injustice, all while conveniently ignoring the bigger picture which clearly shows their own masters are in fact the very perpetrators of just about all of it! The controlled corporate media outlets are all covering the most negative stories they can both find and then also use to push the agenda of their warmongering puppet-masters.

So then long as we are stuck dwelling on the perpetual war and violence ravaging the earth, even if it is with the noble intention of exposing the great deception and bringing the violence to an end, we will hardly be able to create true world peace. For as long as we are focusing on the violence and dwelling on the war, we are subconsciously helping to perpetuate it. And of course there is a time and place for exposing the warmongers and their deceptions – their greed and hatred of humanity - but if this what we constantly dwell on, we probably aren't doing much good for the cause of peace. It seems that instead we should seek to re-program our minds to focus on and dwell upon visions of authentic world peace, and a humanity guided solely by pure love, without forgetting the powerful and greedy cabals of deceivers we are up against and the lengths they will go to in order to suppress truth, annihilate love and perpetuate the endless cycles of war-for-profit-and-control.

In a word, seek out and find the beauty in the world around you instead of the ugliness daily thrown in your face by the TV and the newspapers, the politicians and Hollywood. Seek out and discover the love in the people around you instead of dwelling on the widespread hatred and fear which has enslaved such large numbers of humanity; and if you struggle and appear unable to see love in those around you, dwell on and appreciate the deeper love you have found within yourself. Focus as much as possible on the peace you are creating within yourself and within your life, rather than the wars being fought around the world in your name – for they are not your wars to end, rather peace on earth is yours to create.

Step 3: Stop honoring war, stop blindly 'supporting' the troops and symbols which empower them, etc.

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This should go without saying, but it can be especially hard if you have members of the military service in your family, such as I do with a brother in the service. We can stop honoring war, and stop supporting the troops in their mission of war without ceasing to love them. This is an important lesson we must all learn, for many soldiers enlisted in the service are as a much a victim to the lies and the violence of the wretched war machine as are the soldiers and innocents they are sent abroad to slaughter. Troops returning home to a VA which refuses them much needed care, returning home with bad cases of PTSD, and in many cases returning home only to commit suicide a few weeks or months or years later... There truly are no war heroes, only war victims.

I went through a short period of time where I felt it was my duty to show and convince my brother that being in the military wasn't the best thing for him or for the world, but I quickly realized that it isn't my life and each individual must come to this sort of realization on their own for it to be authentic. I still wish he wasn't in the service, mainly for the reason of not wanting him to be deployed with the real possibility of never returning home alive; and he knows my strong anti-war stance and even reads some of my blog posts on Syria from time to time, and we get along just fine. It isn't our job as peacemakers and truth-seekers to change people's minds, as hard as it can be to accept this; it is rather to plant seeds of truth and to live our lives as peacemakers, and let time and love do the rest. I have come to terms with and am at peace with my brother's choice, no matter how much I disagree with it, but my brother also has a good heart.

Not so with all who join the service, however. I remember one night when a roommate and I threw a bonfire party in our back yard, and had a bunch of Libertarians and a few College Republicans over. We were having a great time, hanging out and drinking some brews, until the College Republicans showed up about an hour later. They were plenty nice, and joined the ring of people encircling the fire pit, enjoying the warmth and the beers. But it didn't take long for the conversations to change to the topic of war, and here I saw firsthand that the hearts of many of the young men (and presumably women) who enlist in the army are full of such intense hatred, that it blew my then-naive mind.

Here were a few young men, some already enlisted and at least one who was planning to soon do so, sitting right next to me; who said they couldn't wait to get deployed so they could “kill as many rag-heads as I can.” And they were really super excited about the prospect of killing those “rag-heads”. Truly quite sickening to behold, and they wouldn't shut up about it either, for at least an hour. Maybe it was the alcohol bringing out this truth in them, but it was nonetheless an ugly and poisonous truth, which sadly many other 'patriotic' Americans share (I do remember one kid in particular in high-school kinda like this too, just so overly emphatic about the possibility of going to war and having the opportunity to kill those 'evil Muslims'/'evil Arabs'.

The Libertarians present at the bonfire outnumbered these Republicans, but nothing any of us said made any difference; here we were were among just a handful of young men, who really couldn't wait to go to war in order to kill as many brown people and Muslims as they could. Absolutely sickening, and this talk glorifying war and violence wouldn't end. It was like they were getting high off of the war before they even began fighting it. Many of us spoke up in defense of peace but to no avail; nothing was going to change these young minds in that moment – blinded by some mix of patriotism, political deception and a deep hatred of those different than themselves. I had to eventually leave the little bonfire party because I couldn't take it anymore and there was nothing to change these minds, let alone just to get them to talk about anything but their intense desire to kill as many foreigners as possible as a deployed American soldier anywhere in the Middle East.

We may not be able to change the minds and hearts of soldiers like these, but we can certainly stop honoring them and their line of work. And we can leave them with an impression which may cause them to re-think their line of work in the future, for example by asking a simple powerful question they had never previously asked themselves, and leaving it at that. We can stop celebrating the holidays dedicated to honoring the men of war, and on those days ask those around us why they are honoring war and the killers who make war possible, and it might just get them thinking. We can stop blindly supporting the troops, and truly support them as fellow human beings by demanding they be brought home from the needless and perpetual empire-building wars abroad which harm them as much as it harms the 'enemy'.

We could even engage in public (or even private) flag burning if it is our style and we so choose, for the flag has become a symbol of the Empire, and the many wars she has fought; and the flag is also a powerful symbol of the State which we are taught to worship, this flag-worship seen in the singing of the National Anthem among other ways. Or fly the flag upside down which symbolizes a nation in duress, which Ameria most certainly is. The flag is a symbol of patriotism, and if you honor the flag more than you honor the humans around the world being slaughtered in its name, then it might just be time to let the flag go; after all it's just a piece of cloth and you are a human being, worth far more than even the most highly esteemed sky cloth in the world.

In the words of Howard Zinn featured on the US flag seen above being held upside down by a displeased American veteran:

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.

Or in the words of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of Luke:

For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the eyes of God.

Just stop honoring war, stop honoring those who honor war, and stop honoring the symbols which empower those who honor war, and go wherever that might lead you, only remembering to let the light of love guide your way.

Step 4: Stop volunteering and training for war

“And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” - Hebrew prophet Isaiah

If you're thinking about joining the service, think again; and if you are already enlisted, serve any required time and then leave immediately. That is my advice, though I doubt many members of the service will be reading a post like this...

Once the occupation or the empire runs out of volunteering foot-soldiers, they are forced to either implement a military draft or the occupation comes to an end along with the collapse of the military empire. And regarding a draft, the words of "a socialist named Fairchild" (as quoted by Vinnie Paz) are just as true today as they were when first spoken: “They can shoot me, but they can't make me fight.” Once enough of the population would rather be exiled or jailed or killed than to be drafted and become a killer for the war machine, then the war machine is finished, and dies a very quick death. Or in the words of Immortal Technique in his song, The Martyr:

The only way a guerrilla war can ever be over, is when the occupation can't afford more soldiers;
Until they have to draft the last of you into the service, and you refuse cause' you don't see the purpose.

Of all the government lines of work in existence, I personally find the job of a military recruiter to be the most despicable and abhorrent line of work in existence, far worse than even the tax collector whose job it is to rob his neighbors blind. For the military recruiter is seeking to enlist our youth to become trained killers for the State, a job no man or woman was born to do, as murdering each other is not in our nature, especially on the massive scale of war. But the recruiter is not only recruiting young souls as hired killers, and is not only recruiting the youth who have quite limited vision and wisdom - most certainly taking advantage of the youth's less developed, more ignorant mind often also combined with strong but false sense of duty - but he is doing so by means of bribery and deception.

By bribery, in that many young men join the service out of a sense of 'necessity', in order to get a 'free' college education in exchange for pledging a number of years to the military (2 years of service required for every year of higher 'education'; read: indoctrination). By deception, in that the recruiter promises all the blessings bestowed upon the recruit by the State (more bribery going on here...) while intentionally avoiding mention of all the known curses that inevitably follow, not the least of which is the extremely high percentage of vets returning home alive only to end their own lives shortly thereafter.

And what of all the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical scars which war by necessity always leaves upon its participants (victims); from the soldier who watched his brother-in-arms die right in front of him in his very arms, to the one ordered to shoot and kill an innocent child, to the one who makes it 'safely' home from all these terrors of war only to be refused care by the VA, and who later takes his own life; what does the recruiter have to say about any of this, all of which is extremely real and well documented? Absolutely nothing! And so it is, and will always be for an army recruiter, that this is his miserable job – to recruit good men and women (nowadays broadening their recruitment efforts to include targeting violent felons) to enlist in the army to be trained for war and to thus become paid killers. Knowingly or not, the army recruiter is enlisting his own brothers and sisters into a line of work which only causes pain, suffering, death and destruction; upon both the recruit himself and also all those he is sent to fight against as well as the many innocents caught in the middle.

So don't be fooled by the recruiter's lies, nor taken in by the many bribes offered you, unless you desire to both cause and endure the suffering which will inevitably come, only some of which is mentioned above. Sure, some recruits get 'lucky' and never see their day on the battlefield, but even these have been trained for war, have been taught to kill, and have been dangerously desensitized to violence and taught blind allegiance to the State; and even this will stick with them for a very long time, possibly forever, even without seeing one day of battle.

Step 5: Stop endorsing war with your vote to a corrupt 2-party, pro-war political system which is also enslaving humanity and destroying the earth

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One of the simplest and yet at the same time most powerful steps which can be quite easily taken by any peacemaker without any threat of violence by the State (such as comes with a citizen's refusal to pay taxes or a soldier's desertion during times of war). Just stop voting for political candidates of both major parties which have shown themselves to be liars, thieves, hypocrites and above all, die hard supporters of the system of perpetual war-for-profit. Instead of writing on and on about this, I will simply direct you to my most recent in-depth expose of the corrupt and relentlessly pro-war 2-party political system of democracy set up in this country right now (and similar systems are found in most other western states) - Democracy, Elections & Puppet Politicians: Round and Round we go on the Political Merry-Go-Round, Perpetuating Endless War & the Enslavement of Humanity

Step 6: Stop paying for war; Stop feeding the beast, the system of state-sanctioned violence and human oppression; Stop funding the wretched war machine

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Taxes are the most obvious payments for war which the average American makes, but withdrawing support/funding from all of the 'Deep State' corporations which also support the imperial western war machine is a great first step and far less likely to land you in jail. But still so long as we fund the war machine with our taxes, we certainly cannot say that we have done everything in our power to manifest peace on earth.

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Just think about it for a minute: If you truly work for peace, why do you keep paying for war? I bet you will find that the answer is fear: Fear of litigation or imprisonment for not paying taxes, or fear that if you quit your current job complete with a paycheck with taxes already withdrawn for you, that you won't find a tax-free line of work in order to feed your family or make your house payments or whatever. Obviously getting out of debt is another huge step in the right direction, one absolutely necessary for those seeking to live as free as is possible in this tyrannical world we're living in, but I digress.

This is not a step all people will choose to take, but it is a choice many of us I believe both can and will, if we haven't already. It all starts with love, and overcoming fear. Once we love those humans which our tax dollars are paying to kill more than we fear the potential negative effects of us choosing to cease said funding, there really isn't even a choice left! At this point is simply becomes a game of discovering how and when to stop paying for all the war, and this is different and unique for each individual. But I truly believe that if our intentions are pure, and our desire is to create world peace, and we wish to stop paying for war and have the courage to do so, that we will find a way. Love will make a way, if we just let it, by overcoming our fears and then by acting.

Still, this step is obviously more feasible for some than others, and many of us will deem such a path as 'impossible' simply because we may not be willing to live the life of relative poverty which may befall us when we take this step, or because we are still living in fear of the possible outcome of such a 'radical' step. So I will just let the following powerful words of Mario Salvio speak for themselves; and if they resonate with you, you will know and will likely be inspired to act in some way:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!" - Mario Savio

Step 7: Become an activist for peace, and share this simple message with others in both word and deed.

The world will hardly listen to our calls for peace if we are still voting for war at the polling booths and paying for war with our taxes... That being said, the masses still understand taxes as something entirely inescapable for the entire citizenry, so if you are still paying taxes, you probably shouldn't be worrying about whether or not to get out and do some peace activism. If your intentions are true, people will pick up on that, even if you yourself feel guilty for still feeding a machine with your taxes you so despise and speak out against.

You are an independent, creative, free-thinking human being, so get out there and use your creativity to come up with some practical ideas of activism for peace, for you. We are all unique individuals, so no one form or type of activism will be right for everyone else. But I can share a few ideas to get your mind spinning if you're having trouble coming up with your own.

A few simple ideas for practical peace activism:

  • Share the amazing story of the 1914 Christmas Truce with people you run across in your daily life – to show people how truly possible and simple world peace can be.

  • Demonstrate for peace or protest war on the streets; join an anti-war activist group in your area or maybe start your own.

  • Educate yourself and others on the proven negative effects the violence of war has on all parties, and the many practical ways peace can be implemented.

  • Maybe attempt to reach out to any local military recruiters in your area, educate them about the documented downsides of war including the VA abandoning vets when most in need of care, and ask them how they feel about this. Don't try to 'convert' an army recruiter as it won't work, but rather plant seeds of truth and ask questions which will make them think about things in a way they've probably never thought of before.

  • One could 'compete' with a local military recruiter by handing out pamphlets or fliers with facts about war, the beauty and real possibility of peace, etc. at recruitment locations, in hopes you at least deter potential recruits from actually signing up without first seeing the complete picture of what they're actually signing up for.

  • Handing out fliers and pamphlets in defense of peace or exposing the evils and deceptions of war on college campuses from where many youth are recruited could also be really effective.

  • Dollar bill activism is always available, where one uses fiat federal reserve notes as a means of getting his or her message out to the masses. I was introduced to this concept during the 'Ron Paul Revolution' days where we even had rubber ink stamps made with the inscription, “Ron Paul Revolution,” but one can create their own dollar bill art without any stamps if they so have the inclination. Below are just a few samples of my own from the past, usually done on days I was otherwise bored or had little to do (just before 2016 elections if you couldn't tell):

  • If you are musically inclined, try making a song for peace as @lyndsaybowes & @davidfar did with this beautiful gem, Stop Killing Our Friends which I know has been a big inspiration to myself and surely many others:

  • If you are a member of a church, maybe you will have an opportunity to start a youth group for peace, or sharing your message of peace with people who are naturally more open to it than those who are not religious in any way (or maybe not, depending on the church...)

  • And the list can go on, and on, and on... Educating the masses is key, so they continue to wake up to the systems of lies built up around us to keep us enslaved. Knowledge is Power, but sharing knowledge in the least offensive way possible without watering down the truth or making people also feel guilty or dumb is essential to actually helping people awaken effectively, and also quite difficult (takes a lot of patience and humility)...

  • Be creative, and find something that works for you!
    Just know that you will see far less of the effects of your activism than what you are actually affecting, for now, so just take comfort in the fact that there are thousands more peace and truth warriors just like you all across this planet, waging the same noble and spiritual war for peace and freedom that you are, and we are all One, united by Love and in Truth. You are most certainly not alone, and together we are already making a huge difference, whether we realize it or not. And we will bring heaven to earth, and make world peace a reality - never stop believing that!

    As Gregg Braden so eloquently put it several years ago,

    "You are the angels, you have the tools, and this is the time."

We are indeed angels of light in a world of darkness, and we are meant to save the world and set humanity free. The only question is: Will we take up this torch of freedom and truth being passed on to us, and will we shine the light of love and peace; or will we like so many who surround us today and who came before us in the past say, "It's not my job" or "There's nothing I can do"? It's now up to us, and I just hope that we make the right choice before it's too late, before there's no turning back from the certain destruction which is quickly coming if the current course of humanity on planet earth is not imminently and radically altered.

I know we are capable, I believe in the People, and together we will make it, and someday there will be a free humanity living in peace on earth. The end of war is already here, if you truly want it to be.


Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Really great article Jason, I enjoyed
it very much and it reads very well!

Thanks. I had been hoping to keep it a little shorter, but just couldn't do both that & get everything I wanted to touch on... So very glad it still reads well despite the length! Have a great rest of the week & appreciate the interaction..

Although world peace is inevitable, it really doesn't come from this path.

It isn't just that lies / false flags have gotten us into wars, it is the people that wanted an outlet for their repressed aggression, angst and anger.

If we truly want to stop wars, we need to have little boys beat each other up.
No, really!

When a boy picks on, belittles, derides, bullies, or in other words, they were looking for a fight, the one being a victim should turn to his fists, if words cannot work out the disagreement.

Currently we punish both children for fighting, even though one of them was a victim.

We have made it all but a crime to defend yourself. You are not allowed to defend yourself from "your" govern-cement. Even when it is wrongfully and knowingly doing ill.

World peace has to start at this level.
All the other levels are ineffectual.

It isn't just that lies / false flags have gotten us into wars, it is the people that wanted an outlet for their repressed aggression, angst and anger.

I understand this quite well, and it doesn't change the effectiveness of the steps I outlined here. I would, however, be very interested to hear an explanation of how - when the people stop supporting war with their thoughts/feelings/ideas, stop endorsing war with their votes (2-party system), stop honoring war, stop volunteering for war, and stop paying for war - how this will in fact not bring peace as you claim. I am very interested indeed, to hear how exactly this won't bring peace, b/c it seems to me if enough people did all of that, there would have to be peace - war would be impossible. If enough people decide war is over, and choose peace, war will be over, it's as simple as that.

If we truly want to stop wars, we need to have little boys beat each other up.
No, really!

So the answer to violence on a large scale is to teach violence to children on a smaller scale? I do agree it is better for men to fight with fists than kill each other in war, but certainly teaching children to work through their disagreements with violence rather than words is NOT the solution to war - which is also an attempt at solving disagreements with violence rather than words...

When a boy picks on, belittles, derides, bullies, or in other words, they were looking for a fight, the one being a victim should turn to his fists, if words cannot work out the disagreement.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point, but isn't this pretty much exactly how every war ever waged began? Turning to violence when "words cannot work out the problem"?

What you are missing is some basic, underlying principals.

Anti-war ≠ peace

If you do not handle anger, frustration and other negative emotions by getting them out, then you repress them, and that creates a LARGER outlet of collective repressed rage.

So the answer to violence on a large scale is to teach violence to children

You are equating what i said to violence. When, the best paths are not violent. Unless you consider martial arts violent. If so, then you will never attain peace.

Wrestling is one of the best things to teach to young boys.
Which is just a specific term for rough-housing.

Next, young boys need to be taught to defend themselves. And for boys, this often means resorting to fisty-cuffs.

Remember, that govern-cement schools are all about violence. Every single piece of it is violence perpetrated against the children. And we teach young boys that they cannot defend themselves. That they are helpless.

So, yes, the answer to large scale violence is to teach boys to defend themselves, even if that means using physical violence.

Of course, i also suggest actually teaching children about win-win negotiation and actually working out conflicts.

Well I do agree with your points in this response for the most part. I still don't understand how the steps I laid forth won't accomplish the same thing. Of course forgiveness entails working through anger issues. And yes martial arts is great for that, punching bags also work well to get out anger without ever physically fighting another human being.

Also the reason I spent so much time explaining the importance of dwelling on peace rather than protesting war and exposing the warmongers is that I know anti-war does not equal peace. World peace comes after inner peace, and obviously those of us who have much repressed anger/rage and other negative emotions have not yet attained inner peace.

I am certainly WELL aware that gov. schools are all about violence - gov. is the monopoly of force. And yes boys AND girls need to be taught self defense, I do not disagree.

However there is a fine line between defense and revenge. To "turn the other cheek" courageously in the face of a bully I would argue takes away the bully's power. It breaks the cycle of violence. And yes a bully beating up someone smaller than himself is an act of violence in my book.

We can learn self defense and also still learn to love our enemies, and hopefully never need to use our self defense skills to take another life. Because even in cases of absolute self defense, killing another man or woman leaves a deep inner wound we will have to work through and heal, a scar that will remain with us for a very long time if not our whole life.

Words are powerful, and can solve most problems and disagreements between people. I would argue that not only is the problem that gov. schools punish victims for standing up to the bully by fighting back, but also "political correctness" in this society being pushed to such an extreme that so many people refuse to offend others with their words, or even simply refuse risking offending someone. The crackdown on free speech leads, imo, to increased violence. Those who suppress their true feelings in order to 'not offend' those around them, will likely express those feelings in acts of violence later on... When we are not 'allowed' to argue and debate with each other is the day we begin physically fighting each other.

I understand your point of view much better know, and I think the wording of your 1st reply just threw me off from where you were coming from. And in case you were wondering, I also happen to be a well armed pro-gun peace activist. I think we are actually far more in agreement than disagreement... Thanks for the interaction! Take care.