My TOP 3: Review of Project Hope Community Publications (12/04 to 18/04/2021)

in #ph3 years ago

Hello, how are you today? I want to tell you a little bit about a community I'm a member of and with which I've been able to grow together with all the other users, it's called @project.hope you can visit it at any time. In this space all the users do the possible thing to support to us, commenting and voting our publications, the idea of everything is to be a very united community and I believe that we have obtained it.

I would like you to dare to visit us, you can leave me your opinion in the comments.



For that reason today I bring you my top 3 of the week, I think they are publications of great interest and quality. Take a look at them!



First of all we have our friend @trabajosdelsiglo who brings us a very interesting publication about technology, an application that brings us many benefits, for example, a help for those who want to learn English, in my case I think it would be of great help. I invite you to check it out so you can appreciate all its benefits.

I hope you can stop by and leave a quality comment.

google assistant


In second place we have our friend @unbiasedwriter who brings us a publication about how important it is to keep our brain healthy and active, he talks about the benefit that sport gives us on our health, not only physical but mental as well. In our life we should always include healthy habits, think about our quality of life.

I hope you can stop by and leave a quality comment.

Want a healthy brain? Don't forget to exercise!


In second place we have our friend @taiwo-writes who brings us a publication on the importance of handling bad comments or negative opinions in the work area, I think there will always be bad opinions, everything lies in the way to deal with them and channel them, sometimes we must listen to improve our work and if not it is better to let it go.

I hope you can stop by and leave a quality comment.

How To Handle Negative Feedback As An Entrepreneur/Worker? - Part 2


This is my top 3 this week, I hope you will join me in reading these publications, also it would be great if you join our community!




The emojis used are from Bitmoji




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