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RE: The 'Golden Rule' Is Snake Oil And A Form of Social Control That is Empowering Authoritarian Evil. Change My Mind.

in #philosophy4 years ago

Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it. Almost everything in society has been designed, either consciously or unconsciously, in such a way that leads to a specific result that means more power for the few and less for everyone else. ALL religions have involvement in this and it is the collective level of unconsciousness that is allowing this to continue. Every aspect of life that we gloss over and fail to question and feel into deeply is one that can be used to manipulate our will and thinking by those who intend to do so.
When it comes to spirit/God, it's clear that a request for subservience should only be listened to if it comes direct and not through a third party - regardless of who they claim to be! Even then, it should be thoroughly examined and questioned. The amount of power we have collectively lost already is tragic and vast.

If you can explain how the 'golden rule' is an oxymoron then go ahead!