Adiantum capillus-veneris - Photography

in #photography • 2 years ago

Hi there 🌼

I hope you're doing great.

This is the most pampered plant in the whole garden, its watering must be subtle as the water cannot hit the delicate leaves hard. It is a fern whose black stem seems to be made of plastic which gives it a striking appearance, when it is exuberant its hundreds of branches are dropped along the entire length of the pot.

Es la planta más mimada de todo el jardín, su riego debe ser sutil ya que el agua no puede golpear con fuerza las delicadas hojas. Es un helecho cuyo tallo negro parece estar hecho de plástico lo que le da un aspecto llamativo, cuando está exuberante sus cientos de ramas se dejan caer a lo largo de toda la maceta.


Wikipedia attributes therapeutic properties to it, however, I have never given it that use, and my grandmother acquired it only for ornamental use.

Wikipedia]( le atribuye propiedades terapéuticas, sin embargo nunca le he dado ese uso y mi abuela lo adquirió sólo para uso ornamental.




Thanks a million for stopping by.

Lots of love,


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Such a beautiful plant, I would love to have one in my small garden.

Yes, it's a very beautiful fern. I hope you can find it there 🌼
Thanks for stopping by! ✨🌼