Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy

in #photography3 years ago


So yeah, fall in Venice is a little bit foggy. But I went for a walk anyway and found the Bridge of Sighs. It is such a gorgeous structure that doesn't really reflect what it was used for.

Back in the days, prisoners would walk across the bridge when they were brought to their cells. The story was that the prisoners would see the beautiful city of Venice for a last time through the windows and would sigh.... But you can't really see anything.

Nonetheless... Love the name of the bridge and love the bridge itself. At night and in the fog the eerie feel fits better with the use of the bridge.


Nice. I am loving these fog Venice pictures! How is your time there going? Slowing down?

I am at my slowest ever ;)

Thanks for sharing this small piece of history accompanied by such a nice picture. Despite the fact that it's not easy to travel these days, we can know the world through someone else's perceptions and pictures, like yours.

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