Daisy Pistils

in #photography3 years ago


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The pistil in the flowers forms the female reproductive system, these are of utmost importance because through them the reproduction or at least part of it takes place. Pollen is deposited in them to fertilize the ovules. This is a flower from the daisy family according to Google lens search results. I found it a couple of days ago and luckily I had my macro lens with me.



Thanks for stopping by.

With love,




Bienvenidos a mi blog.

El pistilo en las flores forma el aparato reproductor femenino, estos son de suma importancia porque a través de ellos se produce la reproducción o al menos parte de ella. En ellos se deposita el polen para fecundar los óvulos. Esta es una flor de la familia de las margaritas según los resultados de búsqueda de Google lens. La encontré hace un par de días y por suerte llevaba mi objetivo macro.



Gracias por pasar por aquí.




It's very true what is said,In the pistil it will grow other beautiful seeds.

Yes, I didn't know flowers had a reproductive system. Nature is wise in every way
Thank you so much for stopping by!

You're welcome my friend @rima11.

You're welcome my friend @rima11.

You're welcome my friend @rima11.