Short updates from a short Dutch trip #16

in #photography3 years ago


Yellow houses, anyone? Not sure I've ever seen houses this yellow, at least not in The Netherlands, these plastered facades in colours are more known in other parts of the country, but as can be seen from previous posts, brick and brick and brick it is most of the time over here.

It was a pleasant break from that theme, and I wonder if the neighbours discussed with each other their specific tints of yellow, or that this was planned in any way, or just a coincidence. How about two neighbours setting up a ladder at a random Sunday Morning, greeting each other, opening their cans of paint, only to realize they both independent from each other picked a bright yellow...

Maybe that's why one of them painted the front door in red :D

Ah, where the mind goes, I'm sorry I couldn't ask about the real story behind the colours, but letting the mind make up its own stories can be charming as well.

Maybe you even have a better story to share :-)


I saw this kind of coloured houses in Middle Europe.

Yes, I expect them there a lot more than 'over here' :-) Did you enjoy Middle Europe?

Yes, of course. I was to explore more, but I couldn't yet due to pandemic.

Sorry to hear your plans were disrupted due to the pandemic! Lots of us have some travel 'catching up' to do next year I guess :-)

Ha ha that is funny. Maybe one painted it and then the other liked it and decided to use the left over paint for their place too!

Lol, definitely an option! :D

Surely more of a mediterreanen color indeed. Honestly, I am not sure if it would suit the Dutch 'straatbeeld' so much. Every now and then you also have a blue house here, Im ot sure what to think of it. But this year....especially in summer, ow yes!

No, it doesn't suit many of the streets, but here it worked, the whole street was so colourful, if it wasn't the fronts of the houses it were all the flowers and benches in front of them! Supercool :D

nice and amazing house