The Blind Spot


Hello Guys! I'm back back back back again (insert Alyssa Edward's voice). This time I want to portray something people tend to disregard nowadays. In this photograph, I want to exhibit a common human personality. As humans, we strive hard to achieve our goals in life, this goal is represented as the backdrop which is saturated with colors as it portrays a more bright tone in which is what we ultimately want in life, to make or future bright. But this overshadowed the most important things in life, which is represented by the shadow. As people get closer and closer to their goal, they tend to forget things that pushed them through to get their. The best scenario for this is about family, the breadwinners tend to overwork themselves so that they can better the situation of their family, but the more they overwork the less time they spend with their children and his/her wife or husband, thus, losing their bond as a family. We should not forget the people and other things that holds us dear, always remember to hold them tight and to remember the purpose of your goal, who or what are you doing this for. Stay safe and stay at home.

Love, Victoria L.


Great post and welcome back!

Yes, we have to keep the Present in focus as we look ahead to the future. We have to live for today while planning for tomorrow. But it has to be a balance. If we only think about our future and spend all our time working towards it, we might find ourselves alone once we got there.

Stay safe and healthy! Post again soon if you want :)