Where Do Words Go?

in #poetry4 years ago


Where do words go
When I write them
And send them
Into the void?

Where they go
When I speak them?
Do they touch you
With my accent
Or voice?

I have only words,
Poor, poor words
While you dabble
In colourful scarfs;

Tell me,
I want to know,

I need to reach
Your heart.

I want to know
Where words go
On evenings
When you tell me
My eyes are green

Am I an MS
In a bejewelled bottle

In the Sargasso Sea?

Do I bear words of love
And torment,

Or wrapped in weeds
call without heed?

Am I stranded,
In shallows forever,

By pale ghosts of need?

© 2020, John J Geddes. All rights reserved
