Truly, Madly, Deeply!

in #poetry4 years ago


Totally sold out to you,

Divided in my thoughts.

Lost my balance trying not to fall for you,

There’s nothing wrong when it comes to you.

You never asked me if I loved you,

How can I say it,

When I don’t know how to express all that I feel for you!

Why do I feel this way,

When did all these feelings for you begin

How did you creep into my life?

I keep asking myself these questions but not you!

​If you ever ask me again;

How I feel now

I would say; I love you more than you can ever know or imagine,

With every breath

Truly,Madly,deeply and more!


This is beautiful, I love the way this ended. Could this be creative or real? Whichever I like the flow and tempo of this piece

Dante is here no fear


Thanks Dante,
It was actually creative and kind of real?