Birds, Cats, and Phoenixes, Poetry, Photography and Digital Art

in #poetry3 years ago (edited)

Birds, Cats, and Phoenixes


One of my favorite Hivelanders, @generikat, mentioned the phoenix today. It you haven't checked out her blog you definitely should; she is very gifted with the pen, kind, and very funny. She has an amazing tribe and amazing in the kitchen; so go have some vicarious country living.

So today is in honour of cats and phoenixes ...

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Not-to-Begotten Bird

Yes, your cat is the wisest
Clever little glutton
Some days are meant for living
like this very one

So put your pen down and chase the not-to-begotten bird
And tomorrow, you can write with a quill made of feathers
ink wet with your overflowing tears


The Tiger With the Heart of a Squirrel

The tiger with the heart of a squirrel
Had beauty like no other
All that saw his magnificence
Fell paw over tail in love
A plummet from which
Many would never recover

Then came the lioness
With a heart like a phoenix
Brave as all, she took no cover
She fell as hard as any old tabby
Tiger and lion, cats they were both
But the squirrel, was no bird lover


Not to worry, from the fall
From the flames …
The phoenix rose again
Revived our fair little lioness

The lioness vowed to find another
One who burned just like her
Maybe even a little brighter

She understood and always would
The heart of a squirrel is won
Not by bravery, love, or passion
The heart of a squirrel is won by one thing
And one thing only … nuts
And all it can gather

In the end and always
A squirrel is a squirrel
A lion is not a tiger
Let your heart be a phoenix
And it will rise again and again
From any and all, burnt-out old embers


White Phoenix

white phoenix of peace
a burning bright dove; you rise
from ashes anew

may the white phoenix soar
above and beyond
each and every
black raptor of war

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Keep quietly buzzing, my powerful and peaceful Hivelanders:) Even the stalking Tiger knows it is best to go slow and quiet at first. They will never see us coming.


Words and Images are my own.

Not-to-Begotten Bird and the Tiger with the Heart of Squirrel are published in Strays. The White Phoenix is published in Tattoo, Calling All Soldiers Home.

Both are available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.








My no-longer-little black house panther will sit by the front window as still as can be and chitter at every single bird that comes to sit on the trees. They'll be about 2, maybe 3 feet apart, yet that window is a sure barrier.

He wants a bird. He would definitely strut around with his own home made quill pen if he could.

Kitty cats do make a house nicer:)

Yes, I see birds, cats and phoenixes in spaces of blue. Too nice.

Thank you:)

Oh my dear friend, that was beyond too kind and most appreciated😊. Over the years your blog posts full of both mind-stoking imagination image and written word fodder has been a most enjoyable treat. I'd wax poetic about your awesomeness even more, but I find there is something stuck in my eye, it's tearing up a bit....Thank you...