Protect the Rainbow; Condense and Douse, New Poetry; Russell Brand Response Blog, Digital Art and Photography, A Rational Fear ... Poetry Revisited

in #poetry3 years ago (edited)

Condense and Douse

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cumulus darken
condense and douse

suffering is lessened
when the sky weeps

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atomic depths
photons enliven

entwined electrons
come undone

dance an invisible
paso doble

with wave and particle
an arch-iris cloak


without the rainbow
there is no end to grief

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Vaxxed or unvaxxed, black or white, Christian or Islamic, when the power that be or would-be call on you to hate through scapegoating, it is not in your best interest.

Resist hatred. Always.

I have had numerous conversation trying to explain to otherwise lefty allies why we must resist the scapegoating of the UNVX'd. They use the same arguments used against them when they defend other readily identifiable and disadvantaged groups.

They partake in prejudice and defend it on the same basis as those they often fight agains. Human nature.

The enlightened see beyond their own prejudice and fear; resist hate, spread love; protect the rainbow. Bring water and sunshine to the garden.


A Rational Fear of Nakedness and Bright Colors

Once upon a time, the time that is now
There were beings of passion
They were simply stuffed to the gusset
With feelings capable of forming a universe
Feelings conceived by thoughts
Emotions animated with energy
Embroidered to flesh and intricate delicates
Singed, seared, and bone-serged

Alas emotion pushed at the limits of good taste
The beings feared its rapid expansion
Embellishments threatened the basted seams
Of a vulnerable and just-new, carnal-covering
Stretched the astral-gauze of cosmic couture

Like white bloomers after Labour Day
Feelings went beyond what was expected
Accepted … in polite and proper company

The beings had forgotten like the universe
They were designed to expand and evolve
Like the leaves of fashion en Vogue
Shed the old; don the new
And nakedness is required
For any wardrobe change

Ever creative creatures
Whether they were aware or not
They weaved with static, stiff, and tight-fitting sheers
Creating garments restraining to the mind
Impermeable to the heart
With a little syllogistic sleight of stitch
The seam of thought and feeling was rent

Aside … between you and me
Not really, but without some fibbing
There can’t be any fable
So on with this truth-splitting myth

You thought I would rhyme; I didn't


The beings designed a grand illusion
Reasoned without any noticeable flaws
No loose threads to be pulled
No hem to be lifted or lowered
No seams to be let out, or taken in
They tailored a rationality, one size fits all

Now here were the corsets, belts, and veils
Easily, quickly, and readily donned
For the meta-physical masquerade
The carnival, the side-show with only one side
The cladding of an infinitely hued universe
In the simplicity of black and white

Never naked and never appearing gaudy
Bound up and ram-rod straight
They all lived suffering ever-after
Pretending, not noticing they were
But they consoled themselves
They were sure they looked smart



Words and Images are my own.

Condense and Douse was first published today.

A Rational Fear of Nakedness is published in Strays and available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores.

Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.









A great pairing of the words with images. This is one of the hardest aspects to capture in my opinion and adds that little extra impact to the piece.

Now this makes so much more sense. Thanks for the introduction @old-guy-photos.

Thank you:)

Yes. I am not sure I always follow what she means, but I enjoy it that way :)

You know, another way of saying 'nakedness is required for any wardrobe change' is that 'deconstruction is necessary for reconstruction.' It's a much nicer way of saying it though. 😀

Perhaps more metaphoric and less repetitive:)

@old-guy-photos ... on rhyming:) Take a look at A Rational Fear ....

Yes where you didnt :)

You get to a point where you have written so many poems and rhymes, you are like ... how can I make them think I rhymed:) LOL.

Unfortunately, I do not know English, so next time I will listen to a video with captions.

Roses are just gorgeous !!!

Thank you so much:)