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RE: Witaj na Hive / Welcome to Hive

in #polish3 years ago

Really impressed by your efforts @deepresearch!
I especially like how you lead with what Hive is not

Starting there to emphasize the real nature of the community-owned blockchain makes a lot of sense

I like the magnets you've made as well. I was also toying with the idea of printing stickers and putting them up around my city, in part because I have some A4 sheets of adhesive paper that I want to use up

A few days later I serendipitously find your post
Magnets really are the better option!

Did you make the design with the QR code?
I'd like to know if I could create a similar (derivative) version for use on my magnets?
The design is really effective


Yeah, serendipity! :)

It's really easy to design QR code online, I just needed a little help with adding link below.

It's all meant to be copied, so feel free to use this materials however you like, but it's always nice to see a mention :)

If you are interested I can send you ready to print projects with net of 4x4 or 8x8 magnets via Twitter or email address.

Absolutely! Please send

focus.folks [at]



BTW, voting for content older than 7days is pointless, monetization stops in day 7.

Thanks mate

I know that blockchain rewards are fixed after 7 days, but I disagree that upvoting on content older than a week is pointless

Not sure of the details, but after HF25 the blockchain accepts upvotes after the 7 day reward period, so I think there's been a change there

Could be wrong...

Anyway, thanks again @deepresearch!

You'll hear from me when I use your creations

Have a good one

I just assumed something, thank you for your appreciation in this case.

We all do it, no big deal 😉