Communists want mom and pop shop owners dead.

in #politics2 years ago


Your friendly reminder that the average communist believes the mass murder of mom and pop shop owners is just fine and dandy.

Don't want the communist ideology to win?

Please get a copy and share:

The Definitive Guide to Libertarian Voluntaryism over at:


#libertarian #voluntaryism #taxationistheft #libertarians #socialismsucks


Disgusting sets of people.

@coloristcristian led me here. I'm so glad I found this. I follow @thepholosopher on twitter. I had no idea you were here since 2016! That's crazy. It's been 6 years and I've been oblivious!

@perpetuator @thepholosopher I woke up to this bs around 2017 when white people are attacking minorities because they voted trump and all of comicbook twitter went full retard plus corruption of the Universities Scandal with Professor James Lindsay and others seeing this as well. Mind you I'm not even American but some of the insane shit that I have read is from Leftist comic book artists and writers.

Small business owners and homesteaders (two things which frequently go hand-in-hand) are Public Enemy № 1 for all socialists - even the nonviolent ones. In fact, our existence seems to make "nonviolent" socialists completely change their tune when we point out that they need us, we don't need them.

I once had an argument with a Trotskiist who said "I can't 'eat the rich' because I'm a vegan," which I thought was interesting. Even more interesting is that the "nonviolent" socialists in the thread refused to disavow this sort of rhetoric, or even the blatant threats of violence. These used to be my friends, but now...

... I think I'd shoot them if I ever saw them again, rather than give them a chance to do anything to me.

It's because they see all capitalists as evil exploiters worthy of death, which includes:

Anyone hiring with roles paid in wages.
Anyone with more than 1 home.
Anyone who rents out to others (apartments/houses/townhomes).
Any business owner whose business does not have workplace democracy.
Anyone living off an inheritance.
Anyone whose income comes from corporate investment.
Anyone who has millions to billions of dollars.