Zeke Thoughts - Stupid Courage #thoughtfuldailypost


Spending time in the moment reflecting upon an important message is a good use of time in my humble opinion. Doing so via the blockchain is a fantastic way of creating a positive post and I love the #thoughtfuldailypost movement championed by my buddy @wesphilbin.

Sometimes, I enjoy turning preachy but reflection and deliberation on subjects which promote balance and happiness have introdiced me to so many neat people on Hive. New users can add to their daily blog and grow their network with active and engaged people. It is definitely a great part of my Content + Networking + Time = Hive Success equation so lets see what I came up with this week!


Stupid Courage


After I sat thinking about this meme a friend posted, I google Jeremy Goldberg and discovered so damn many of them, I gave up on trying to figure who should get credit. All we know is he appreciates life's tragic irony.

I pictured the heroic moment where I might know that this is probably gonna sting, but boldly dismissing that notion as I saved a considerable morsel of the universe. Then I read the next line and recalled some of the stupid things I have done in the quest for wisdom. Wisdom helps you make good decisions, but wisdom comes from making bad decisions. More irony.

Life is hard, get a helmet. You win or you learn.


Be stupidly courageous and you will have an exciting and impactful life if you manage to survive!



I am honoured to curate for:


Link your #thoughtfuldailypost in comments so I can join your discussion!



Hah! Well I love that you love it!


Hey @owasco, here is a little bit of BEER from @zekepickleman for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

As always... honored to have you share as well as using my #thoughtfuldailypost tag brother.

It is definitely a great part of my Content + Networking + Time = Hive Success equation so lets see what I came up with this week!

I admit... I cheated and added "thoughtfuldailypost" to GINAS trigger words... technology is awesome (when it works!) Hope you and the family are hanging in there man... remember...


Thank you @suheri for the awesome GIF

Happy to be following your lead in spreading positivity via the blockchain.

Of COURSE the family is doing great and I am making damn sure never to waste a good crisis.