From A to Z – Business Blog 52 – Developments on 9/11 Anniversary

in #projecthope2 years ago

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Developments on 9/11 Anniversary

Once again, we are reminded of the 9/11 attacks quite possibly the greatest False Flag operation the world has ever experienced. That’s not to lessen the memory of those who died on that day. It’s to truly remember the gravity of the moment that like a black hole can never be seen for what it could have been.

In 1999 Al Gore promised to use the government’s surplus cash to invest in green economic climate initiatives. From A to Z was in development to serve that purpose with Hemp legislation proposed for the first time in New York City. We were going to save the planet and we were going to make a lot of money.

Instead, 9/11 happened, and in a sudden counter cultural moment we became environmental radicals on the side of terrorist trying to destroy the American dream of powerful trucks and the clear cutting of forests. Outlawed, ridiculed, looking for the leaders of the past only to be cut off and isolated. Surrounded by the absorbers of natural resources.

Now everything’s burning down with an endless drought and economic uncertainty. Yet From A to Z remains fearless in its mission to continue its march toward environmental economic freedom. Another advancement in Hydrogen capture methods using the air alone. It can even be used in the desert.

The need for Hydrogen over other natural resources because it cools domestic car travel allowing water vapor to rehydrate the Earth. From A to Z is working with its partners The Lords of Hemp to continue development and implementation of this new technology during this time of international crisis.

We are now hearing Breaking News that leaders in the Duma have asked Putin to step down. They see his ideas as outdated while hoping to rejoin the international community. Ukraine is also winning ground on the battlefield with it being said Russian forces are suffering high casualties. This all happening on the eve of winter as an energy shortage could leave millions freezing with the spring and summer of 2023 predicted to be plagued with food shortages.

This also a signal to China who stands looking into a mirror of possible outcomes to a war for Taiwan. Xi already having taken heat from Chinese elders who want the party to be the top leader of the country, right before a chance to be President for Life. The second in command right behind Xi has been getting credit for his position on the philosophy of openness with the global community.

We might see new leadership in Russia and China before the one-year anniversary of the Beijing Winter Olympics. To make Putin and Xi’s time in office not meaningless new inspirational leaders should be chosen ready to solve the hunger that’s supposed to hit that part of the world with a lack of wheat. That might be the best way for these countries to strike back at the West, to become more charitable.

If these developments take place in the name of world peace and space exploration to colonize the solar system, From A to Z hopes that all nations can join together at this moment and time to make the transition to a sustainable green economy. The Company is here to help in any meaningful way possible and low-cost green Hydrogen production could be the best thing for us all moving forward.

As for the Darya Dugina narrative it seems dead like the young woman herself. No legitimate news organization wants to dig into the FSB’s story. It seems the border with Estonia had been closed since Thursday, before the assassination on Saturday, making it impossible for the killer to escape as put forth in the official Moscow investigation. Most likely the suspects are both dead now as well so that they can never be found.

Then there’s the rise of North Korea to nuclear state status with an ambition to intimidate those in the region with recognition of their iron will that doesn’t bend to international pressure. Depending on the direction of Russia and China this threat can either increase or become minimal as well. We have the ability to make the best decisions possible for the future of this planet.

Thank you,
From A to Z
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