Money is humanity's anti-compassion... The real pandemic.



All the money in the world couldn't buy you a friend or pay you for the loss of one.

For most of if not all my life, at least since I was a young teenager I've always thought to myself... WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY IS IT THAT MAN IS THE ONLY SPECIES ON THIS PLANET THAT HAS TO PAY MONEY TO LIVE HERE!?!?

Answering this question is the main reason why I have this fire burning under my ass fueling my activism. Like seriously! For an intelligent design MAN isn't very inteliigent is he? NO! Which is why I've lost faith in humanity. It sucks to be human living under these conditions doesn't it? Crapitalism is genocide (so is communism). And we have no one but ourselves paying for our own misery having to pay money to live here.

Real freedom, is being free and independent of money. Like what we had in this country before the year 1492. America was great before the year 1492. That was really when the New World Order started to become. Money makes you controllable. You can't control what is free. They've now pretty much criminalized freedom. Seriously, try to live off grid. Try to live free like the Indigenous once lived... At peace and harmony. The ultimate hypocrisy of moving to the "New" World (New World Order) to escape religious persecution only to force Christianity on the Natives...SMH. I mentioned for an intelligent design Man isn't very intelligent didn't I???

It costs a lot of money to go off grid and live comfortably. And you have to know how to be self reliant and self sufficient to do so. It truly is hard work to live off grid and be comfortable. It takes a lot of money to be able to afford all these things. We can't just squat on land and turn it into a farm like we could hundreds of years ago so we have to work for the money to be able to pay for a home. Now all our farms are dying out. Which is why they keep warning us of a coming foot shortage. No farms no food. We are all enslaved living out of convenience. Instead of thriving we are surviving (I can't tell you how long I've been in survival mode). We don't have land anymore so we have to rely on government to feed us regulating our supermarkets keeping them stocked up with food so we can go grocery shopping. It costs money to feed ourselves. And if you don't have money you are homeless living on the streets begging for money for survival. Today, you are only free, if you got the money. You have to buy your freedoms and call them privileges. Thanks crapitalism, thanks, the human commodity. A lot of us have to live alternative lifestyles to save money because it costs so much money today we can't afford to do nice things or be able to afford the things we want to with our lives in order to become free. So I commend anyone who was able to work for it raising what little money they needed to buy land and live the off grid life. That's truly been one of my dreams.

Over 500 years later here we are, the land of idiocracy. When we aren't eating Tide Pods, walking off cliffs watching Tik Tok, or getting our dicks caught in a pool jet at the community swimming pool, we are killing each other over all these race wars. Cancel Culture has us killing each other over the stupidest shit! Like the freedom to say the words, "All Lives Matter." In reality we are all getting screwed the same by this system no matter what color or how poor we are. You know who hates America the most? AMERICANS! (Yes I've been listening to a lot of Tom McDonald LOL)

"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots."
~Albert Einstein

This is why today I'm not the least bit shy to tell people that socio/politically I'm a full blown Nihilistic Misanthropist and proud! And I'm going to make a bumper stick that says this too one day. Probably get rich selling them LOL. Again, Crapitilism, money... LOL. Oh the irony! Seriously though, I lost faith in humanity decades ago becoming a Conscientious Objector. I don't want to live in a world where ALL our problems are because of money, because of scarcity. The violence, the riots, the racist conditions aren't problems they are symptoms of life in this system. If we didn't need money we wouldn't kill each other.

I mean wouldn't you rather live in a world full of abundance and NOT scarcity???

If you love what you do then you never have to work. How many of us have ever actually had a job that we liked? I can't think of one. Is that why we called it work? Because it SUCKS!? Until I started doing volunteer work at the local food pantry, I never had a job that I ever liked. And how IRONIC! Volunteer work is FREE. That is why it is called volunteer work! I get paid in helping others and feeling good about myself for helping people. Helping them helps me. On a personal level I try to not hate anybody but worldwide they are all a bunch of fucktards! Least I can do is help out the bottom feeders fighting for survival (especially when you are in the same boat).

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
~Leo Buscaglia

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All of these things mentioned above are FREE and don't cost us a thing. Real wealth is not about how much money you have, the car you drive, or how big your house is, but what you feel with the heart as Helen Keller once said. Which is why the richest America ever was, was before the year 1492.

Life is NOT about material possessions. Have you ever noticed that some of the people who have billions of dollars are some of the most miserable and unhappy people on the planet? I'm not talking about the oligarchs here, I'm talking about those with their big giant Wall Street bank accounts chasing those dollar bills. In words of Tyler Durden, "The things you own end up owning you." Which is why another favorite bumpersticker I've seen says, "I owe, I owe, its off to work I go." Some people are so poor all they have is money right? Things today are so bad we don't have money anymore. Instead we have debt LOL. And who do we owe!? Debt slaves every last one of us even though in the Bible, Christ said that the only debt one man should have with another is to LOVE HIM! Again something that is truly FREE. Real freedom! It doesn't cost us a fucking thing to love thy neighbor.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8

Some people go without material possessions at all giving everything up and are perfectly happy. A lot of these people over time become gurus who are homeless or have lived a life of poverty. They've experienced traumas's in their lives. Some might even of had a near death experience and that is what woke them up. Some do the hermit thing in order to be free and we have to venture above and beyond to meet some of them when we seek their wisdom. If you don't live it you can't give it. The best things in life are free right? These are truly the kind of people who make their living loving what they do and are truly free. So be your own guru!

Nuff said... I'm done ranting LOL.

Thanks for reading!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed...

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Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Keep your democracy off of my Sovereignty!

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
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I have never understood why as people we have to pay to live no other thing has to do that.

I thought @freebornangel was still following me?

I guess I wasn't.
I see why I haven't seen you in the feed lately, though.