in #psychology3 years ago

In the last post, I went over one of the problems with relationships. We all know what is wrong with using people. You seem manipulative and nobody wants to feel like they are manipulative. So, on one end I understand where the emotions emanate from. But as we grow as humans we tend to realize what people are good for. This guy is not good at cooking, but he cleans. He is more prudent with spending, he works hard, but he doesn't know how to drive. I think we should focus more energy on unknowing people than trying to change them.

Using people in a derogatory manner falls into a class of psychology known as the psychology of manipulation. Psychological manipulations are a type of social effect that attempts to make behavioral changes or changes in how others perceive things through any means.

I was trying to explain that humans view objects and in extension people based on what we can use them for. So technically speaking using people can be both a good and a bad thing. In the last post, I said that children see objects and remember them based on their use. So, a cup is for drinking water and scooping up sand. It is also for throwing at an annoying sibling or one that makes you laugh. Because let's also faced it, the object can be used for so many things but it is best used for scooping and this is something artificial intelligence can not replicate.

But the difference between adults using the object and a child using the object is the responsibility one assumes. When An adult uses a cup he or she washes it. wipes it dry and keeps it with other cups. This is what we try to teach children. In the same manner, when a person is used...say they do a job, you pay them for what the job is worth. Also, you appreciate those who do a thing for you adequately.

The question however is how to appreciate a person properly?



This one time I told a girl I would date her if she promised me she would get a job. Sure I "manipulated the relationship" but it turns out she has now been promoted to manager.

When I first said it I felt like a dick, but I think they call that tough love when it is with good intentions.

Yeah, I totally agree. Thank you for sharing this story and reading my post.