Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance : A must have course to a journey to the new world we build

in #regeneration3 years ago


It has now been one year since I started my journey through the Blockchain world ! I discovered so much since then and I have been really inspired by this new world of possibilites !

Two years ago I quit my job in a big french company to find meaning in my life. The journey is big and impressive, so much possibilities ahead of me ! I started a digital nomad life in South America, traveling and browsing the web through inspiring projects and how I could contribute to it with my capacities. That’s where I discovered Seeds, the regenerative money, which completely blown my mind away by its way of seeing economy !

Seeds, a regenerative money


Seeds is not just another cryptocurrency. It’s a whole economic system rewrite, focused on regenerating our planet. It’s a better than free system, which rewards participants for using it, and allow them to act as citizen by using their voice on the path this project should take, and which regenerative projects should get financed by the system.

Because yes, the only fact of using this money grants funds to regenerative projects, chosen by the users of this money ! Every Seed spent by using SEEDS services is « burned » then recreated and shared through the Harvest protocol.

  • 30 % is shared between all users of this money. If you have a good regenerative reputation, you get more than people having a bad one
  • 20 % is given to local communities. This amount of money is distributed to local bio regions, to develop the region with projects that will be funded by SEEDS citizen living in it through the voting process
  • 20 % is dedicated to applications relative to economic & community value ‘contribution score’
  • 30 % is dedicated to global community and earth regenerative projects voted by all Seeds citizen

This changes a lot from the actual banking system where privileged corporations get the whole money created from governments to make profit right ? 😅 Imagine all the possibilites offered by this system ! And this is just a small extract of all the incredible ideas we find in this world-changing project. It is created by good minded people in a shared goal, putting the earth and humanity in the center of the goals of economy, and drive our civilization to a new thriving path.

We can right now co-create with them. In fact, the creators of the course, Phoebe and Stephen from Renaissance U, are accepting only Seeds for the payment of their course. To further explain the mentality shift we are experiencing here, not only you are using a regenerative money to get access to the course, but you are actually rewarded to get graduated ! You get an amount of Seeds to thank you to learn, to get the knowledge to make a better world (if you go through all the necessary steps to get graduated, of course) ! From where do they get the money to pay their students ? Simply from a funding they did through the regenerative projects Seeds citizen voted for. And here you get a vertuous cycle where everyone benefit and grow from.

So I did pay for my course in Seeds, and I’m glad I had !

Tools for the regenerative renaissance : a whole tour of all the aspects you’ve got to take into account to create your project with a human-centric point of view


First of all you’re in good hands here. The course facilitators are :

  • Phoebe Tickell : scientist, educator and 10+ year systems thinker who draws on her background in complexity science and approaches of experimentation, network-building, emergent strategy and moral imagination to serve the transition

  • Stephen Reid : co-operative technologist and cultural changemaker who has trained in the fields of physics, complexity science, software development, meditation, psychotherapy, plant medicine, conscious sexuality and political activism

And they’re not alone ! For every session you’ll have incredible guest speakers, transferring their wisdom to you. We had for the first session of this course people like Charles Eisenstein, Daniel Wahl, Rieki Cordon & Cece Heart…

Each session will speak about specific topics with a powerpoint presentation from the facilitators following by an interview of the guest speakers. You’ll have some time to ask your questions to them if your question is upvoted by the students ! Various topics are covered by the course :

  • Regenerative agriculture & thriving local economies

    Speaking about two of the most effective ways to transition to a regenerative world : Decentralizing economies and production places (electricity micro grids, food production…) and transitioning from a linear agricultural productive system taking resources from the ground to a cyclic regenerative agricultural productive system putting resources (carbon from the atmosphere) to the ground and preserving biodiversity !

  • Regenerative money

    Mainly speaking about new paradigms brought by blockchain and cryptocurrencies technologies. New economic systems opportunities. Focus was made on the the cryptocurrencies from the session speakers : Celo and Circles.
    Given the big focus of this course on blockchain technology, what better platform for this blog post than Hive could I have used ? 😉

  • Horizontal leadership and decentralized organisations

    Because all the tools and technologies in the world won’t be enough if we don’t interact between us the right way. Like our friends say in Quebec the « Putain de facteur humain » (fucking human factor!) is one of the biggest problem we have to solve to reach all together this desired regenerative future. Samantha Slade from « Going Horizontal » gave us some precious insights on how to transition to horizontal organisations and shared leadership and responsabilities. One of the most interesting sessions with a lot of live exercices for students!

  • Co-operative ownership

    Describing existing cooperative working structures and the principles of Stewardship for existing companies like Zeiss. Highlight the necessity of sharing ownership to truly accomplish the company’s goal (not making money, but doing what the company do the right way!)

As you can see, a nice cocktail of subjects that you NEED to know if you truly want to walk this regenerative path in your life. I used to know a little bit of most of them, but the level of details given in this course is truly amazing. It allowed me to narrow down the main subjects I need to know yo walk my path. The facilitators give access to a google doc resource compiling all their links on these subjects, very well organized, with preparatory content like articles, movies, podcasts for every session, and homework to practice what you learned through this course journey.

And the best part is that you share this journey with a lot of like-minded people, communicating on the dedicated slack space. The facilitators try to facilitate human contact by assigning you to a pod of 6 people, allowing you to get to know better these guys and facilitate exchange of ideas during the course. My pod was only 3 people as the 3 others didn’t bother to interact, but I loved to share some insights with these guys 😊

There is still some room for improvement in this course, but the actual result was pretty impressive. Some sessions had way too much content for the time given, sometimes speaker's excitement gave non english-speaking students like me a hard time to understand what the speaker said, or discussions could go too technical on the specifics of tokeneconomic... I’m sure the following sessions will continue to improve on these points and I clearly encourage you to give it a try !

Jump with us on this new regenerative path 😉

Links :

Tools for the regenerative renaissance :

Seeds website :

Feel free to contact me on Telegram :


Hey! I can't help but notice that someone else just posted about seeds - @Atypicall - are you guys related or do you work for the same establishment? Sounds like a great venture anyway - watching keenly.

Hey Riverflows ! You have a good sense of observation ! I am the boyfriend she talked about in her post, we did the course together ! 100 students on this course and only two who post on Hive, what a shame ;)

Yeah for sure! That is a real shame! I just happened to be on OCD #introduceyourself new post duties that day, and yours came one after the other! Glad to meet you both!

Glad to meet you too ! I'll try to find some time to make a proper introduction with this hashtag ;)

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Bienvenue sur Hive! Je t'ai délégué 5 HP.

Salut Chris ! Merci pour les 5 HP, je vais me renseigner pour comprendre à quoi ils servent :D J'ai join la communauté, et je mets la traduction de mon post dans ma todo, je le republierai dans La Ruche :)

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Les récompenses sont divisées à 50% entre l'auteur du post et les personnes qui répondent. Si tu réponds à plus de posts, tu peux gagner des Hive plus rapidement.

Love the artwork of these illustrations

Yeah, me too ! I'd love to know which artist made them ! She/He is clearly one who'll help to put new stories in the head of people :D it's a shame the Seeds community did not quote her/him on their post :(