SAND Gateway on is currently down, so is EOSP, TLOSP CHLP, PSOP & more under maintenance for new Steem Engine. Until then please use discord & we will send EOS SAND for Steem Engine SAND for - 1% fee for limited time

in #sandiego4 years ago

SAND Gateway by privex on is currently down, EOSP, TLOSP CHLP, PSOP frozen until they get back to the office. Until then please use banjo + tipit on & we'll manually send EOS SAND for Steem Engine SAND for negative 1% fee for limited time (You get paid 1%) limit one tx per user per day for the 15 bonus. Its imperative you post your EOS account name in the memo if you send Steem SAND to @sandiegocoin so i can send your EOS sand, and I will ask @gerber how i can build a bot easily using @banjo and @tipitbot and I am looking into some simple ways to have scatter automatically read a steem transaction memo and send me an EOS transaction. I guess im trying to replicate the gateway of @someguy123 :D I trust eh WILl have the gateway working oen day 24/7 as he is trying to get developers like @klye to help him and I will also volunteer to help if I can. I am going to try to get teh same setup someguy123 has for Deploying EOSIo tokens and i would like to create my own gateway and one day, a DEX so we can have backups, or ill work with @blockchainstudio and @steemfinex to add eos tokens to their backup exchange where you can exchange steem for steemp

Due to the new beta testing, I am going to attribute the recent down time in the GATEWAY to maintenance and ask you all bear with us. I will be happy to use wheat eos transactions I have on to exchange STEEm sand for EOS sand at anytime I am awake and I will sk @citimillz and @ratzen to help me man a station in the room which I have set up a special channel to actually convert steem SAND to EOS sand (and even teos if you wish) using @banjo and @tipitbot has a new channel in the discord, where I will ask @gerber and @bala41288 if they are interested in a few hundred steem bounty to simply create an automated solution for me to allow any user to send an account 1 SAND via @banjo SE tip bot, and receive 1 EOS sand via @tipitbot from which does have a 1% withdraw fee however, I will be willing to even pay that so people can get a free withdraw of EOS sand from STEEM sand. can ALSO manually send to people's eos accounts when they post in the chat. That way i can avoid having to fill up Tipit with EOS SAND and lengthy withdraws as EOS is very slow right now due to congestion from an EISOD denial of service transaction miner :D hah.

Anyway my SAND users with EOS accounts that need delegation can use https://cpuemergency or tokenpocket resources section has a few options, but I would simply recommend you use who can provide you with 5 free Transactions a day. yes EOS is using so many transactions its actually gotten to this point, but just imagine it like this: Were building ghost cities and need to fill them up so SOMEONE keeps them warm for us :D Otherwise the economy retracts and shrinks, were keeping it open like one of those gynecologists tools to dilate, so the baby can come and be born!

SO ANYWAY you can get free trades as a Newdex VIP, staking some NDX tokens, and you get 5 free TX a day on wallet which uses scatter . So you can use that to actually stake some EOS to cpu if you are stuck. Telos is having none of these issues. BUT the steemenginex gateway is still down so i cannot deposit oir withdraw the telos tokens I just paid to get added, so i hope @someguy123 gets back to his post ASAp and fixes these stuck transactions and makes sure we dont have a week or two of people asking where their EOS sand is like @adiza who i had to manually refund and paid him 1 EOSP to reimburse him for the MANy eos worth of sand he could have gotten, its not right to allow users to miss their withdraws and not get access to their God Given profits :D We said they can withdraw to eos. Im trying my best to resolve this, as i should not make people in developing nations just trying to trade wait weeks or even hours to withdraw sand to eos.

So I am stepping up and creating a temporary solution to just manually send EOS SAND to anyone who sends Steem Engine SAND in this discord

and asking gerber and bala to give me an assessment as to whether or not I can quickly setup a bot to exchange banjo and tipit sand, one se and one eos... i can also just have a bot take an EOS account used in the memo when someone sends sandiegocoin some SAND on steem engine, and i can have some sort of bot (like what @someguy123 uses for @privex lol ) actually SEND EOS to EVERY user who sends me SAND with an EOS account in the memo.

I understand steem engine is moving to but Please @privex make a Funds are Safu announcement when you go this many days without fixing the gateway funds being stuck, thanks :) I am willing to learn to become your code monkey to keep PRIVEX gateway connected and the RPC stuff runningand ill try to make it all seem worth it to maintain as much up time as we can during this CRUCIAL point when a LOt of peoepl will eb watching steemengine


I still have full faith in @privex and just have to wait for @someguy123 to get back from work on steem engine or whatever, to notice the gateway down, OR he is already working on it now and i just dont know

and he has been most deifnitley working on the new DEX so I attribute this to the Maintanance work they must be doing

I am a little on edge as i was hoping to show off my gateway and newdex trading and the telos gatewya to telos users but its going to be a lil while, and i can just uyse this time to prepare my OWn backup gateway which im currently loking into, i can ALWAYS manually trrade steem for eos in a discord but I will look intoa bot to simply use @banjo + @tipitbot

WE WILL BE BACK UP SOOn i just talked to @someguy123 :)