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RE: For all those who lack imagination here you go this is for you :)))

in #science2 years ago

En fait, on ne peut juste pas voyager plus vite que la vitesse de la lumiere. La physique est formelle : il existe une vitesse limite dans l'univers et rien ne va plus vite. Les objets sans masse se deplacent a cette vitesse (comme les photons qui transportent l'information), et les objets massifs vont moins vite.

C'est la regle d'or. Apres, en science fiction on peut faire ce qu'on veut. Mais ce n'est pas pour cela qu'on arrivera un jour a materialiser le tout. Et ici, c'est clair : on n'y arrivera pas, a moins de revolutionner la physique d'une facon qui depasse l'entendement. Je ne dis pas que c'est impossible. Mais au vu des connaissances actuelles, cela ne l'est pas.


yeah i know its like science fiction but Traveling faster than light and time-travel could be real for tachyons.. was reading about how they will probably be the missing link :)))

Tachyons, as many ideas in theoretical physics, are hypothetical. Therefore, for now they do not exist except in our minds. Observing them would, as I said in my previous comment, revolutionise physics.

However, we are not there (at least yet) :)

but there are people working on it :))) "We are beginning an experiment at Berkeley to detect tachyon-like quasiparticles. There are strong scientific reasons to believe that such quasiparticles really exist, because Maxwell's equations, when coupled to inverted atomic media, lead inexorably to tachyon-like solutions. well maybe sooner than we think :))) but who's counting lol

Beware, a tachyon-like object is different from a tachyon. It is an object that under specific circumstances behaves as if it would be a tachyon (it consists in an effective description). An elementary particle that is a tachyon is a different story. I had the latter in mind when answering.

To summarise, we compare apples with pears here (I know that from very far, an apple looks like a pear; they are however not the same ;) ).

guess it might be a while before we see something and hopefully well see warp drive in this lifetime ...

What?! I didn't know he passed away. I must admit I don't regularly follow what is going on around ITER (it is a bit far from what I do). Damned.... 72 was not very old...

guess it might be a while before we see something and hopefully well see warp drive in this lifetime ...

We will definitely see something (we already saw something). The "something" just needs to be defined.
