Flexible solar cells thinner than an A4 sheet of paper/Células solares flexibles más delgadas que una hoja de papel A4

in #science15 days ago


I suppose that we are all clear that solar energy is here to stay, which is why surprising advances are continually being made both in the materials needed to obtain energy from the Sun and in their efficiency in capturing energy and in this sense a group of scientists from the Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (JUST), China, have developed flexible solar cells thinner than a sheet of A4 paper.

Supongo que ya todos tenemos claro que la energía solar ha venido para quedarse, por lo que continuamente se producen avances sorprendentes tanto en los materiales necesarios para obtener la energía del Sol como en su eficiencia en la captura de energía y en esta sentido un grupo de científicos de la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología de Jiangsu (JUST), de China células solares flexibles más delgadas que una hoja de papel A4.

It is called "photovoltaic paper" not because it is made of cellulose like traditional paper but because of its thinness and flexibility. These panels are usually organic compounds or semiconductors that can convert light into electricity. Obviously, they are not designed to be written on, but their main function is to generate energy.

Se le llama "papel fotovoltaico", no porque esté hecho de celulosa como el papel tradicional sino por su delgadez y flexibilidad. Estos paneles suelen ser compuestos orgánicos o semiconductores que pueden convertir la luz en electricidad que, obviamente no están diseñados para escribir en ellos, sino que su función principal es la generación de energía.


Basically, these are extremely thin solar cells, with a thickness similar to that of a sheet of paper, which makes them flexible and light, allowing them to be integrated into various surfaces. In addition, these new solar cells have demonstrated greater efficiency in converting light into electricity, compared to some previous technologies.

Básicamente se trata de células solares extremadamente delgadas, con un grosor similar al de una hoja de papel, lo que las hace flexibles y ligeras permitiendo su integración en diversas superficies. Además estas nuevas células solares han demostrado una mayor eficiencia en la conversión de luz en electricidad, en comparación con algunas tecnologías anteriores.

The potential applications for these flexible solar panels are many and varied, from integrating them into mobile phones, tablets and other electronic devices, to placing them on the body of vehicles to generate additional energy or integrating them into facades and windows to generate electricity from sunlight.

Las aplicaciones potenciales para estos paneles solares flexibles son muchas y variadas, desde su integración en teléfonos móviles, tablets y otros dispositivos electrónicos, colocarlos en la carrocería de los vehículos para generar energía adicional o integrarlos en fachadas y ventanas para generar electricidad a partir de la luz solar.


As is often the case, production costs are currently higher compared to traditional solar panels, and large-scale manufacturing processes still need to be developed to make them economically viable. Although laboratory efficiencies are promising, it is important to evaluate their performance under real-world conditions, such as high temperatures or low solar irradiation.

Como suele pasar, actualmente los costos de producción son más altos en comparación con los paneles solares tradicionales, y aún es necesario desarrollar procesos de fabricación a gran escala para que sean económicamente viables. Aunque las eficiencias en laboratorio son prometedoras, es importante evaluar su desempeño en condiciones reales, como altas temperaturas o baja irradiación solar.

But there is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before this technology or another similar flexible solar cell technology ends up dominating the market, replacing the large, rigid panels of today except in large solar power plants. But without a doubt the best thing of all is that this technology will give us greater independence from the electrical grid for our portable devices.

Pero no cabe duda de que es cuestión de tiempo que esta tecnología u otra similar de células solares flexibles acabe acaparando el mercado dejando a un lado los grandes y rígidos paneles actuales salvo en grandes centrales de energía solar. Pero sin duda lo mejor de todo es que esta tecnología nos dará más independencia de la red eléctrica para nuestros dispositivos portátiles.

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100% agree that solar is here to stay. If you can harness the energy already present instead of creating new energy, the world would advance in ways untold. The thin film solar cells lend themselves to so many applications!

Thank you for your comment @tamaralovelace.

Solar is definitely here to stay and I am really confident of that. In years to come, the use will definitely increases and this is just the beginning actually. I am so confident of that

I am really loving the transition that is really taking place and this is really lovely to see. I am expecting more and more of this to actually continue in due time