Space bubbles to block the sun's heat/Burbujas espaciales para bloquear el calor del sol

in #science2 years ago


There are several experts who maintain that it is already too late to stop or reverse the effects of climate change even if we stop emitting greenhouse gases throughout the world today, something that, although there may be good intentions in some countries, will be very difficult to get all over the world.

Son varios los expertos que sostienen que ya es muy tarde para parar o revertir los efectos del cambio climático incluso aunque dejemos de emitir gases de efecto invernadero hoy mismo en todo el mundo cosa que, aunque pueda haber buenas intenciones en algunos países, será muy difícil de conseguir en todo el mundo.

If all attempts to stop emissions fail, we have to look for viable alternatives to prevent climate change from destroying us. In addition to stopping emissions, some of them, such as capturing the CO2 already emitted into the atmosphere, have already been discussed in this blog, but it may not be enough either.

Si todos los intentos por detener las emisiones fallan tenemos que buscar alternativas viables para evitar que el cambio climático acabe con nosotros. Además de dejar de emitir, algunas de ellas, como la captura del CO2 ya emitido a la atmósfera, ya las hemos comentado en este blog pero puede que tampoco sea suficiente.


That is why a group of researchers from MIT have developed a proposal called Space Bubbles, a solar engineering approach based on the deployment of a raft in space, made up of small inflatable bubbles that, in theory, would protect the Earth from a small portion of solar radiation.

Por eso un grupo de investigadores del MIT han desarrollado una propuesta llamada Space Bubbles, un enfoque de ingeniería solar que se basa en el despliegue de una balsa en el espacio formada por pequeñas burbujas inflables que, en teoría, protegerían a la Tierra de una pequeña porción de la radiación solar.

This raft, which the researchers suggest would be about the size of Brazil, would be made of frozen bubbles and would be suspended in space near the Lagrangian Point L1, a place between Earth and the sun about 1.5 million km from us, where the gravitational influence of the sun and the Earth cancel.

Esta balsa, que los investigadores plantean que sería del tamaño aproximado de Brasil, estaría compuesta de burbujas congeladas y estaría suspendida en el espacio cerca del Punto Lagrangiano L1, un lugar entre la Tierra y el sol a unos 1,5 millones de km de nosotros, donde la influencia gravitacional del sol y la Tierra se cancelan.


But we must be cautious because these solutions always work on paper but in reality things get complicated, not only discovering the ideal material for the manufacture of these rafts and the way to take them to that point L1 but also looking for a quick and effective way to back down if things don't work out the way we hoped.

Pero hay que ser cautos pues estas soluciones siempre funcionan en el papel pero en la realidad las cosas se complican, no sólo descubrir el material idóneo para la fabricación de estas balsas y la forma de llevarlas hasta ese punto L1 sino también buscar una forma rápida y eficaz de dar atrás si las cosas no funcionan como esperábamos.

We must take into account above all how this reduction in sunlight can affect both the climate and the beings that inhabit the Earth because, despite the enormous distance to the Earth's atmosphere, some studies suggest that complex phenomena can arise in Earth's climate, the cure may end up being worse than the disease.

Hay que tener en cuenta sobre todo cómo puede afectar esta reducción de luz solar tanto al clima como a los seres que habitamos la Tierra pues, a pesar de la enorme distancia a la atmósfera de la Tierra, algunos estudios sugieren que pueden surgir fenómenos complejos en el clima de la Tierra, puede acabar siendo peor el remedio que la enfermedad.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar, ese es un proyecto muy raro, no saben cómo hacerlo y no saben el resultado.

yes, scary stuff.. messing with mother nature.. 😥

Hmm... this, on paper at least, seems quite promising, but in reality it doesn't seem like that and I am very skeptic that it may indeed work as intended. The solution to climate change is for us, human beings, to respect Mother Earth and nature more and stop tremendously polluting it! In other words, be more eco-friendly and live in harmony with nature. Climate change is not irreversible, it can be reversed, but it would be very good for us as a species not to live in a harsh heat devastating cycle of time because of our negligence and lack of environmental maturity. If we do not take the environment in consideration, the environment will not take us in consideration either.

All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! God bless you and keep on writing on HIVE! Best regards from Romania! 😊🙏✌️☮️

Same to you, @vikthor, thank you for comment

You're most welcome! All the best and have an excellent day!

It's good if this is successfully made. But I think it's a really crazy idea

at the moment it's just a drawing on a napkin. ;-)

Yeah, well better not put up with mother nature as it is not wise to play God. Instead, let us be more eco-friendly and the climate change can be reversed. We are at the root cause of the problem as a species on this planet. We need to come up with better solutions here on Earth and not in space to be able to reverse climate change, live a better life, and protect the environment and our lives in order for subsequent generations to have a better future. It all starts with us and how we behave towards the environment. Being more eco-friendly and polluting considerably less are main priorities that we should have as a species for reversing climate change. All the best!

amigo saludos, cuidese mucho