How we are killing our little guardians?

in #science2 years ago

Suppose you are sitting alone in a room at home or in the office. But this loneliness is just a trick of the eye because in this room very tiny creatures are wandering in the air, even though you do not see them. These tiny animals found in our homes, offices and bodies are called "micro-organisms" in scientific terms.

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The body of these tiny living beings consists of one cell to a few hundred cells. They are also the world's first living creatures. They are extremely hardy and have a tremendous ability to adapt to all kinds of environments. The biosphere weighs 10 to 40 trillion tons, of which micro-organisms weigh about 800 billion tons

Now modern science is surprisingly discovering that our good health depends to a large extent on these micro-organisms as well. These micro-organisms are found in our bodies and in the environment where we work, play and live. For only ten or fifteen years, scientists knew very little about these invisible creatures. But now they know a lot about him. Whenever you open the door of your home or office, a large number of these micro-organisms enter with the wind.

Some of the micro-organisms in and around our bodies are harmful to our health but most are humane. That is why it is our responsibility to protect and take care of these friends. Experts say that these micro-organisms prefer open and airy houses. In a closed house where the air is hot and dry, these humane creatures die. In their absence, human beings can suffer from various disorders. It can even suffocate them to death.

In fact, the idea that germs and micro-organisms are harmful to health has become popular among the common people. But science has now discovered that many microbes and microorganisms are good for human health. Therefore, it is important to identify them so that people do not harm them.

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'On the Origin of Species' is a book by the famous British naturalist Charles Darwin, published in 1859. In it, Darwin explains in detail how the various forms of life on Earth evolved. In the course of billions of years, many forms have disappeared, while others have risen to prominence. Humans are at the top of the list of rising creatures. But Darwin did not include micro-organisms in the way of life because 200 years ago science knew very little about them.

Scientists have now proven that these micro-organisms are among the most successful forms of life. Today we know that more than 60% of the world's "organic matter" (biomass) consists of micro-organisms. Organic matter is a substance that contains dead or living things.

Our body is a collection of 400 trillion cells. There are as many as 4 trillion micro-organisms in this body. These tiny living things perform many important functions in the human body, such as digesting food, protecting us from infection and playing a role in shaping our emotions.

This is just the beginning. Scientists are trying to figure out what kind of responsibilities these micro-organisms carry in the human body. The reason why there are trillions of micro-organisms in our body is that they also evolved side by side with human beings.

Recently, it has been tragically revealed that the intestines of the people living in the city are found to contain 40% less micro-organisms than those of the villagers. That is why citizens are more prone to digestive diseases. Scientists believe that citizens ate "junk food" to kill micro-organisms that improve the digestive system. The unintentional use of antibiotics also killed many micro-organisms. It is as if the gifts of the industrial age have deprived human beings of useful friends.

In fact, over the last half-century, the idea that all micro-organisms harm human beings has taken root in general. That is why in the last fifty years, colorful drugs that kill germs, viruses and micro-organisms have been invented. Companies associated with this market take advantage of the human fear of germs and micro-organisms. However, experts have now come to realize that most people use antiseptic products at will and without thinking.

Companies now use hundreds of different germicidal chemicals in their manufacture. But these substances harm humans in different ways. For example, soaps, toothpastes and detergents contain chemicals called triclosan to kill germs. But when triclosan enters sewage water, it produces "antibiotic resistance". That is, the germs in the sewage make triclosan ineffective by altering it. We do not know what kind of adverse effects this chemical has on human germs and micro-organisms.

The space station has special arrangements to protect humans from micro-organisms and germs. It is fitted with "HEPA" (High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter). These kill the germs in the station and stop the growth of micro-organisms. As if this station has become a huge disinfection center. Astronauts stationed on the space station gradually lose the micro-organisms found in their intestines. That is why when astronauts reach the earth and start living a normal life, they fall prey to various diseases.

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Microorganisms include all types of bacteria and archaean. Most species of protozoa are also part of this group. This group also includes algae, fungi and certain species of animals such as rotifers. Most microscopic organisms are single-celled, but multicellular are also found. The Dutch scientist Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to observe a microscopic animal in 1674 with the help of a microscope.

Don't think of these micro-organisms as ordinary things, they play an important role on the planet. They decompose garbage and turn it into carbon. It is as if micro-organisms on earth act as "cleaners" and make the areas clean. Some micro-organisms perform "nitrogen fixation". This is the process by which plants survive and produce oxygen. These invisible soldiers play an important role in the survival of life on Earth.

Thank you for reading! Stay Safe!👋😌

