Resilience Is Key - Forge That Armor Now!


And this morning it hit me - I need to develop my resilience! More resilience!

Guess that's how we grow as human beings, thrown into the middle of an impossible world stage situation and facing the prospect of our own futility in action, our own missing pathways to freedom - not because they are actually missing but because we feel too insecure to walk them.

It's not like we can make the choice to be more resilient and then to simply do it, but somehow pursuing that aspiration in light of constant worldly challenge is what makes it come to fruition. It's almost as if the ego is just too damn comfortable - dare I say - "lazy" to become stronger. And so the world stage needs to gnaw at us and our role, needs to slap us in the face with a wet towel constantly until we muster up the... "courage?" to feel more ready for the challenges ahead.

They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but I think most of us could never have imagined just how much stronger we would need to get through the thing that likely hasn't killed anyone (pun intended).

So while I can't tell you how to find the will and readiness to build resilience for the new year ahead I can assure you that the more pain you feel and the more challenge you encounter, the more ready you will be to step it up and to put on that thicker armor for the daring times ahead. So that we may find that we actually never needed it to protect us but instead that we needed to develop that insight to make the most out of our time on Earth, our of our school of life.

Happy forging everyone <3


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Thanks for stopping by <3


I know what it's like!   Life kicked my ass so hard the last 6 years, but it did it because I asked to become a certain version of myself and it needed to sculpt me into that.  I resisted a lot and so it took a lot longer than it could have, but beyond the suffering, I'm becoming exactly who I want to be

man your strength is contagious. so glad everything is turning your way finally after that long valley, high five <3