Little Cherine Book 11 - BPost051

Robbie put on his stern face. “Not with you as you are now, you’d only hurt her. I’ll return tomorrow to bring you to Freddie, make certain you’re finished with this self-flagellating mood by then so that you can become her friend.”

Previous: Book 11 - Post 050


There was not much else Robbie could have done. It seems that every Allan is destined to fall in love with one of us and then another and another until they find a girl of their own to love. Once he’s reached that stage, the local Teller girls will have the best friend they could ever want. I’m just glad it was not me this time, our Allan’s pain was enough for me - I just wish it had not been Wendy.

Elias politely greeted the foreigner his son introduced him to. “You are in Greece on business?”

Campbell nodded. “I’m always interested in good opportunities. Nicko tells me you may have some good ideas or contacts.”

“Patera, this is Michalis, he is in partnership with Mr Campbell and has some ideas worth considering. Why don’t we take them to the Yacht Club for lunch and enjoy a good meal while we talk?”

“I’d love to, but I’m waiting for a call from the captain of M.T. Dominique, they’ve been through some bad weather and his fax said the propeller shaft has been damaged. I’ve arranged with a shipyard in Singapore to take the ship into dry-dock immediately. Unfortunately the repairs are going to take a couple of months and BP are screaming for their cargo so he’ll have to discharge it before going into dry-dock. I need an exact ETA so that our agent can make the arrangements.”

“How did the shaft get damaged?” Michael asked, hiding his annoyance at Nicko calling him a partner of Campbell.

Elias gestured with his hand. “As the ship crests a big wave, the aft rises out of the water and without the resistance of the water it spins much faster. If it happens often enough the shaft can become deformed.”

“I’d never thought of that; it makes sense. Don’t ships have cut-offs, computers that monitor the spin and slow the engine when they revolve too fast?”

“I’ve never heard of such equipment.”

“Kyrie Elia, where exactly is you ship, can you show me on the map?” puzzled but politely, Elias showed him. “Repairs must be very expensive.”

“They are, plus we lose the hire for that period. Insurance never covers all the losses.”

“Please contact your captain to let him know I’ll be arriving on board the ship after lunch. You may cancel the dry-dock and transfer of cargo. Tell BP the ship has solved the problem and they’ll continue to the destination port.”

Elia didn’t know how to react, so Nicko quickly cut in. “Patera, both of these gentlemen have the same powers as Robert Teller. Please do as he said.”

“Trellathikes? (have you gone mad?) Even if what you say is true, how can he straighten the shaft without taking it out?”

Michael answered in Greek, “The shaft knows the shape it should have, I’ll coerce it into returning to the shape it knows.”

Elia would not listen and cancel his arrangements, but he reluctantly agreed to send a message to the captain giving permission for Michael to go on board and into the engine room. Nicko, Campbell and Michael went for lunch on their own and Nicko had a big grin on his face most of the time as he imagined his father’s reaction when the captain reports the shaft repaired. This is a good point for me to pause so as to mention that Michael and Campbell went to Elia with Nicko because Michael pointed out to Alki it would not be a good idea for him to go, since Elia knows him and knows that he is dead. He asked to go with Campbell. I know he did it for my sake and he’s made my heart mushy again.

Michael jumped to Singapore and from there levitated to the ship. The ship was helplessly wallowing while tug boats were sending lines over. Michael told the captain to cancel the order for the tug boats and went down to the engine room. He placed his hands on a part of the shaft and suddenly he began to glow and then he disappeared. Minutes later he seemed to re-form before the eyes of the panicky engine-room crew.


“Try turning the shaft.”

“But it is…yes sir.” The first engineer gave the order for the engine to be turned over and they saw the shaft move. Convinced now, the engineer ordered the main engines to be started and reported to the captain that they are ready to proceed. Michael jumped directly back to Nicko and Campbell.

“Tell your father the ship is on its way again.”

Even the captain was shouted at before Elias accepted he was being told the truth. He closed the phone and shook his head, “What do I tell the P&I Club, the insurance brokers and BP? We’re going to sound foolish! Gammoto! I’ll still have to pay for the tug boat and cancellation fees for the drydock.” He turned to his guests with a red face. “I’m sorry, I was not complaining, just thinking aloud.”

Michael smiled. “As your son tried to tell you, we are the same as Robert Teller, but he did not explain that we are not from this world. Elia, I am the son of Robert and Cherine Teller and in our reality your alternate is my grandfather.” That explanation took a long time to be understood. Then Claire had to be convinced and only then did they visit us in Freddie.

No mention of empire building were made for they still have to grow to believe in the new world they will belong to, have time to rejoice and only then will Alki appear with their Alki. Allan had come to Freddie and he sat through their swings of mood with an understanding smile. Throughout this he kept his eyes averted, trying hard not to stare at Wendy and then, when she appeared, the new Wendy that would be part of his family. Cherine, Dommi and Wendy had already helped the local family understand how close Allan will be and they were beginning to think of him as an odd but special uncle. I wonder how long it will take the girls to love him - not long I’d guess, if their Robert treats him as badly as ours did for a while. At the thought I giggled and my loves came to share. They also laughed and Cherine shared with Robbie. He blushed but did not make a comment. I’d thought that Robbie had proved the adage that even when he is wrong good comes out of it, without us realising it.

Allan asked Robbie whether he can speak to our family alone. Robbie did not bother explaining that everyone will soon know what he says, unless he asks for privacy. We took him for a walk along the river and then sat in a group in front of him.

“I did not want the Wendy of my world to hear, so thank you for indulging me. Wendy, I wanted to thank you for making me love you. I had a thought today that horrified me and it made me realise that I am in your debt. If I had not loved you, I might have loved my Wendy and it would have spoilt our relationship. Now, thanks to you, she can be a friend. Wendy, there will always be a corner of my heart where you will be treasured and I’ll ache, but it will be a good ache, for I did this one thing correctly for once. I actually fell in love with someone worth the pain, instead of my usual foolish choice of loving those girls who’ll only laugh at me. If I find a girl to love and be loved by, will you be my special friend?”

Wendy cried and most of us had tears in our eyes for Allan had made a gesture far deeper than his words showed. He’d tried to find a way to make Wendy feel better about his pain, but we knew that he is not attracted to his Wendy as he is not a paedophile yet. Empathia made a suggestion and Vincent left. When our Allan appeared, the local Allan did not recognise him because of the changes he’s made to his appearance. When we explained, he greeted him, but was not really keen to remain in his company - he feared our Allan would see too deeply into his heart.

“We asked Allan to come for a reason Allan. The girls are going to do a telling for us tonight. It will be the story of our Allan. We have asked him to allow you to share his memories during the telling so that you understand what you see in a deeper and more meaningful way.” Robbie grinned. “You’ll also see me being a shit towards him - I’m certain my girls will tell you afterwards why they consider it was important that I treated him that way.” Robbie grinned as our Allan became curious and we refused to explain.

We knew it will be very difficult for Dominique to become part of their family. It is not just that they must love her, we’re convinced that will happen. It is just as important that there be that special bond between their Cherine and her. Too many times our Dommi has been the only one that could go against Cherine or Robbie and they listened to her. If Robert does not have the help of his Dominique, he cannot control his Cherine when it is needed and Cherine will end up dominating the family, and then the others will not adore Cherine as they must. The only way left to us is by Cherine sharing with our Cherine or else…we’ll have to try the Kolonaki experience in the Sparkler World again. Perhaps a combination of the two?


We are not waiting in their reality. Freddie is taking a trip to show some of the wonders of the galaxies and we jump back every six months to check on Dominique. Dommi was right, as time goes by she senses that Dominique is becoming disillusioned by her husband and her love for him is being eroded. He’s not a bad man, just too typical a Greek male without enough empathy to sense how he’s hurting her. I’m certain he will feel very hurt when she leaves him and will tell his friends that he does not understand, that he did everything he could to make her happy. Isn’t it strange that it is rarely that an empathic partner says that?

We’re all confused. This last visit Dommi found that Dominique has left her husband and is living in an apartment on her own. Dommi told us it is not time yet and we left.

Dommi was right, she’s moved back in with her husband and they’re very loving to each other.

Three visits later and the time has come! Dominique has filed for divorce this time and Dommi says that within a few weeks it will be time for her to be approached.

Cherine did a full sharing of her memories with Cherine. She had to wait this long for Cherine to become stronger - and, don’t laugh, cheekier. Another important factor was that their Cherine had to change - instead of only her Robert mattering to her (primarily) she has to worry and care for both her Rosie and Wendy. The example of our family has helped that happen.

New Cherine came out of the sharing loving our Dommi. She also loves too many of us that she’ll never have, but my problem is that she insists she cannot be without her own Samantha and now she wants her from me. It has convinced me that I was right; we should also split her from Samuel or else they’ll let my ‘copy’ take over. Robbie agrees with me, so we’re going back to the Orati as soon as their Dominique is part of their family. I wonder whether Sebura and Birshima will ever arrive to stay with Kiris

The Sparklers could not find either Hettie or Eddie in the present so Robbie is going back in time for them.

We had to go back for them all the way to the end of their first lives in their own bodies. By some twist of realities, this couple did not think of transferring their souls into new bodies. Apart from that, they are just as ‘superior’ in their attitude. Before they were given bodies, Robbie spent time in the void with them telling them about the Cherinians and in which ways they’ll have to change. Robbie was with them as the void and they sensed his power, so they pretended a change of heart. Robbie asked Solomon to give them temporary bodies and he brought them to Freddie.

The girls did a full telling and the couple came out of it cowed and not feeling that superior anymore. Neither of them are nice yet, but at least they are no longer planning on taking over the world. Robbie decided he does not want them on their planet until they’ve become possible Cherinians, so we’re leaving for the reality of Kiris.

Before arriving, Robbie spoke to Sebura and Birshima. “We’ll not leave for any trips, we’ll jump realities and return here one year later. You’ll be offered the choice of returning to Freddie or staying one more year. If you elect to stay, we’ll do another jump and return for you.

Sebura, as Samantha warned you, neither of you will have bodies natural to the Kabetu, the need for sex will be totally suppressed. If both of you decide at some time that you want to become man and woman, then you must do so in your own bodies. If we did not take this precaution Sebura, you could damage Birshima - despite the customs of your people, Birshima is too young for such an important commitment. Having a Kabetu child would also introduce unwanted complications. Both of you must keep in mind that your loyalty, at all times, must remain with Kiris and Nericha, he is the Robert and she is the Cherine of their reality.


Birshima, Samantha is asking this of you as she wants you to learn from the experience. Your mother held an important position in her tribe and you must always be proud of how she carried out her duties. Meeting the Cherinians of your reality changed your lives and as things stand at this time, you are not the tribal girl you were, nor are you as the Cherinians of your world. You need to find what your duties are within your own heart and learn how to plan and be the best Birshima for the people you choose to belong to. Watch Kiris and Nericha, but also watch Sebura, you’ll learn a lot from him.”

As usual, the moment we arrived, Freddie began to fill with Kabetu. Robbie timed our arrival to be four months after our previous departure. Kiris and his two girls were among the first to arrive as it was early evening for them. I’d changed to Tsini for my little Niriki and she was soon comfortable with me again, chattering non-stop - and still carrying her favourite book with her.

There was great excitement amongst them when they found out that ten of our planetary years have passed since our last visit and they pleaded for a telling. Their enthusiasm and uninhibited asking for a telling is enough to inspire anyone so the girls agreed. Cherine decided (for the first time for a long time now) that we will start with a golden circle of love. As I mentioned, it was evening on planet, so Freddie jumped to another reality for the tellings.

It is just as well that we permanently carry thousands of food machines since none of them wanted to stay in the Sparkler World. They did visit to see those of their friends who still live there, since we have not found planets for them yet. We keep on putting them on the backburner so as to deal with other problems that seem to be more urgent. They’ve made it easy for us by not having children as we asked of them.

Although the girls adapted the telling for the Kabetu, we were pleased to sense that seeing the telling for a second time did help those such as the new Eddie and Hettie, Wendy and so on. Their Alki, Elias and Claire were influenced by the golden circle of love and it opened them to their Robert and Cherine.

“How is the tourism project developing? Have you started building the ships yet?”

“Not yet. I had to buy the shipyard and employ as many of our Cherinians as I could and they need training. We will only start the actual building of the ships in five months time, but we have begun stocking the material we’ll need. Our biggest problem was securing the timber.”

“Have you found any?”

He had the kind of grin that warned us he expected to surprise us - and he did. “Yes, the first deliveries have already been made. I signed a contract with Thieves Town and provided them with the sawmills and wagons for transporting the timber.” His grin widened. “At least they do not have the problem of stock being stolen by bandits, so that has decreased my costs substantially. Samkin’s fat friend is going to be very wealthy soon.”

I was filled with admiration for Kiris. Not only is he getting his timber cheaply, but by establishing a profitable legal business for them, soon the citizens of Thieves Town will not be as tolerant of crime. I made certain Sebura and Birshima understood the problem and how Kiris had solved it.

Kiris will have to change his plans. The timber needs to be cured or else it will warp as it dries. He was surprised to be given that information by Elpida. The information actually relaxed him as he’d been worried that his crew would not be properly trained that quickly. Jade suggested he employs from now men who know the mountains as guides for the many tourists who’ll want to explore them. She told him they must know about the plants, insects and animals; for instance, their feeding and mating habits. As he sees how big and complex the project will be he looks harried. Claudia suggested that we find Cherinians who love nature to volunteer to come and live in the mountains for a while. As they learn, they can also teach local Cherinians. It is a good solution as the Kabetu do not have much of an interest in nature, so they would not know what would interest the tourists. As soon as Claudia made her suggestion, Kiris had volunteers from among the Inguel. The Inguel are also excited by the prospect of living for a year or two as Kabetu and they will be studying themselves and the effects of being aliens on their way of thinking and so on, at the same time. Claudia told Kiris he must charge those who wish to become guides and told the Inguel that they should pay in knowledge and ideas for helping the local Cherinians. It has been agreed.


Sebura has never seen this mercenary side of us and is bemused, while also trying to think of ways for his people to trade by earning from us what they need. I told him there will be thousands of Terrans and aliens who would love to take tours along the area the two continents are breaking apart and that they still have animals, birds and so on that are extinct on our worlds. As I spoke to him, I realised that they could charge exorbitant prices without having to spend for luxury facilities. Tents and horses would be all they’d need - plus at least one Cherinian per group to keep away irritating insects and for healing any who are injured. To me, the best of it was that they will learn to care for their animals and planet, turning them, at first, into conservationists and out of that should grow a love for all of nature. I laughed out aloud at a thought.

“Do you realise that the foretold earthquakes, volcanoes and storms will make your planet an even more attractive destination and you could charge double during those years? As long as you have Cherinians with you, people will consider such a tour a real adventure and something to boast about when they return.”

Campbell gave a laugh, but his eyes were serious. “I’m damned if you haven’t come up with a real income-spinner! Samantha, would you keep the rights exclusively for yourselves or will you allow other companies to organise such tours?”

I sobered as I saw the potential - both the good and the potentially harmful. “Arthur, it will need a lot of careful thought, but, just off the top of my head, I’d like to see the following implemented. The destination planet should have one company with all countries of that planet holding an equal share, whether all those countries attract tourists or not. After all, those that attract the most tourists will earn extra income from the tourists spending money in their countries. Those companies are free to form partnerships for promoting their tours in our worlds. I see no reason why you should not be part of it.” We felt the dismay in Kiris as he heard me.

The new Alki said, “I’m sorry, but I disagree with you Samantha. May I explain? We’ve seen poorer countries try to keep the tourism of their country for the state only. The result has been the death of tourism. The employees do not care about providing service and the managers become arrogant and the state becomes greedy, killing the goose that lays the golden egg. You need competition so that they continue to try to keep the business and attract more tourists.”

Robbie nodded. “I agree Alki, but Samantha is also right. Her main concern is in gentling the people so that they can become Cherinians. The competition you speak of, though healthy from a business point of view would work against Samantha's dream.”

I saw that my impetuous enthusiasm was due to my not thinking things through and my face must have shown my dismay. I sent Kiris my mental apology.

Kiris barely acknowledged my apology as he spoke. “I understand Samantha's concerns, but would suggest that you are wrong Robert. How many times have you spoken of the need for Cherinians to work as allies, but in competition? The scenario explained by Alki would be more damaging to our future than the results of allowing competition. What is needed is a set of rules that allow competition in a healthy and positive manner.”

Campbell nodded, “I agree with Kiris. From what I’ve understood, the efforts to begin tourism on his world are thanks to his imagination and efforts, to take it away from him and give the business to the state would not be fair.”

Robbie answered him, “Even Kiris would be the first to admit that though the idea was his, to make it a reality he has had to depend on Cherinians helping him.”

I cut in quickly. “You’re not right Dad, Cherinians are helping, but he is rewarding them, they are not just helping him, they are employed by him or are partners in his business - on our worlds. He was the first to see that it is necessary from a business point of view. I should have kept my mouth shut, I spoke without thinking it through.”

Sebura asked, “May I ask a few questions?” He did and was provided with explanations. He then said, “I think that what Samantha said was mostly out of concern for my world, not for worlds that are more developed. If what Alki said is applied, would you expect that the Orati and Feshidi enter a state of competition for attracting the tourists? Could that lead to anger or war since my people do not understand what you consider the art of business? What of the mountain Orati and other tribes who are too small or ignorant to demand their rights? I prefer Samantha's ideas for my world - if it is tempered by the suggestions of Alki. Create a number of groups on our side and they should have their own partners on your side. Since, from our side, the benefits would be for all, it would be seen as a game by our people while, if the partners on your side do not act as Cherinians, surely you can set Samantha on them?” He looked at Campbell as he said that and Campbell burst into laughter.


“Michael, I suggest we both form companies for handling the business from our side - in all the realities both our groups exist. We should then appoint three of your mothers to our Board of Directors and their role would be to see to it that the competition between us remains healthy, even if not always along Cherinian lines.”

Claudia said, “You’re forgetting that Alki, Elias and the ADFI are already involved.”

“We have no objection to them working in competition to us, as long as they do not take unfair advantage of the relationships Cherinians have with the destination worlds. Would such tours to realities where mankind does not exist on those Earths be allowed Robert?”

“My first reaction would be to refuse. There are no people there to benefit from such tours, while the existence of tourists would disrupt life on those worlds. However, I will not refuse, I’ll agree to it being considered by the Cherinian council.”

I objected, “You’d be increasing their powers in directions that are not beneficial to all. It was suggested that we form a think tank of philosophers. I propose we do so and ask them to consider all the ramifications and give us their opinions. We can then be guided by minds wiser than ours without giving them powers to veto your decision as our leader. The Normals, Arthur Campbell and Michael should also appoint their own members to the Department of Philosophy and Ethics.” I gave Robbie a grin. “I can think of a number of reasons why it could be beneficial to life on those planets to have tourists. The tourist business could finance the monitoring of species that are extinct on most Earths and intervene when necessary to help maintain them.”

It was argued for hours and it amused me to see Campbell take it for granted that he is included - as he is of course. However, his assumption must surely betray that he no longer sees me as the enemy he thought I was? It was decided that we do not want uncontrolled competition on our Earths and among other species, so a board is to be formed that will monitor the business and set up rules that are binding to all parties. Such a board must include representatives from ecological groups, but they will not have final say, they can only be present to influence the board and monitor that nothing is decided that could harm any species, sentient or non-sentient. The destination worlds have the right to choose their partners in alternate realities. On some of those worlds, individuals will organise and run the tours while on others my ideas will be implemented. My one demand was accepted by all, even Campbell. Final authority will rest with Robbie or the current leader of the Cherinians.

Robbie asked Rakil, “How many years do you think it will take for the Cherinians of your world to announce themselves?”

“There is no single criteria to be met Robert. We must first grow in numbers and influence. The laws against witchcraft must be repealed. A solution that is fair to all must be found with regard to our peaceful coexistence with our cousins the nomads. Kiris has already taken the necessary steps to integrate Thieves Town into our world and I personally hope to see somebody suitable to becoming a Cherinian taking over from Kaproti as their leader. We’ve discussed the idea that a step in the right direction would be to release the facts about our travels through space and the reasons. The book by Rapperten is not accepted by more than a very small minority as being factual. When the time is right it could be announced that the book is factual and that we have been contacted by our partner species who helped us settle on this world. They could then talk about the dream of Cherine.”

Robbie said, “I think your ideas would be healthier in the long run.”

I asked, “Vincent, could you please bring Samuel King?”

Robbie grinned. “You want Samkin here? Why?”

“I think he said something about Kaproti that may be important. I think he should have a say instead of just allowing the local Cherinians to manipulate him out of his position. Remember Rakil, Samkin is the real leader of the thieves and he did order them not to try and replace Kaproti unless they want to challenge him also.”

“Samkin is greatly admired by Kiris and all of us, we are pleased you have asked for him Samantha.”


I laughed and pulled Birshima into a hug. “I think it will not be just the two of you, I bet Samuel will want to stay with you. Do you think he should also be brother to Sebura and you?”

Cherine laughed. “Samantha, as a Kabetu he is elderly. He should be their guardian. You are right, with him present to guide them, the two of them will grow faster and in a healthier way.”

That night I had my family in stitches and actually made Robbie flare up in jealousy. I (teasingly) suggested to Cherine that we go to Dream Mountain and the two of us share an adventure, with her as the male and I as the female. I would not really want to do it, but feeling Robbie’s and Cherine’s responses had us all laughing for days. The girls pretended they want it to happen and gleefully discussed the possibility of my having Cherine’s children. That possibility did excite me

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One

We saw Sebura, Birshima and Samuel settled in their new home and roles and departed for a visit to Orgg’s reality. Freddie took his time, because we noticed that Campbell was lost in his thoughts and took walks on his own. I wondered whether he needs someone to talk to and if so, who would be the best choice. As is happening to me so often recently, I was surprised by whom he chose to confide in.

“You were basically born a Greek. Have you any of their hang-ups?”

“Such as?”

“The enmity between Greece and Turkey. Even the Cherinians have not succeeded in making them friends.”

“Not really. I did not go to a Greek school, I was educated the Cherinian way with most of my childhood spent in Freddie.”

“And what is the Cherinian way?”

“By computer and by sharing with my family.” Michael kept his voice soft. “Why are you asking?”

“I was thinking, if the Greeks and Turks met each other by the millions and spent time together, could they remain enemies?”

“I think they could. After all, they have had centuries of living together.”

“I don’t think that is a valid argument, the Turks were in Greece as conquerors.”

“What has brought about this train of thought? I’ll also admit to being surprised that you know that much about the Greeks, most Americans and Canadians barely know the country exists.”

“You’d be surprised how well most people know the Greeks and their history. Since the Cherinians became a power that affect the entire planet and we learnt of their preference for Greece, all thinking men and women have studied your adopted country. As to what train…it feels as if it is a train heading for a cliff at the end of the track. I’m not too worried about you, I’ve never liked you and still don’t. Samantha and Robert are my main problems. I still disagree with their ambitions, but because of spending so much time with them I’ve come to know them as people and they both have good qualities. How can I fight them effectively once my sojourn within Freddie comes to an end?”

Michael gave it some serious thought before answering. “Samantha has already outlined your role in their future, why not accept it? Has she not asked you to remain critical of them and act as protector of all humankind - protecting them from the excesses of Cherinians? You can do that without being their enemy Arthur - as a matter of fact, you would be even more effective doing so as their friend.” Michael smiled. “I’m aware of your feelings towards me and I admit I did little to use this opportunity to come to know you better, or to allow you to know me. I’ve done so deliberately and incurred the displeasure of my mother Samantha.” Arthur examined him with surprise. “You must be aware that apart from Cherine, my one weakness is Samantha, so I have not done what I did lightly. I not only love her as my mother, but also admire and respect her. I do not know whether you recall the time Samantha thought our father might want me to take over from him someday. She agreed, but I did not. Arthur, I will never be capable of leading the Cherinians the way she does. Not just because of her abilities, but because she has made my father’s dreams hers whereas I have my own ambitions and dreams.


I’m still puzzled by you. I’ve spent years thinking of you as evil and I’m not yet convinced you are not. I’m not even convinced that Samantha is convinced. The difference is that she has come to recognise your good points and your strengths, while I’m still floundering. I have recently tried to be more open with you, but I think it will take longer than we have left to us in Freddie for me to see you as Samantha does.”

“I’m not certain I want us to be friends, so I’m not dismayed by what you’ve said.”

“I cannot make decisions and speak freely as Samantha does, I have contenders for my position among the Ipohin, but I’m willing to make you an offer. Arthur, bring your group back into the Ipohin, as a sort of loose Federation with you remaining the leader of your group. You will have a position with the five who rule and be present at our meetings to influence our decisions. In other words, do for us as Samantha has asked you to do with regard to the Cherinians.”

Neither of them had asked for privacy but we assumed they had, so I could not show my feelings to Campbell, but Michael was made very aware of the love and the tears that he filled my heart with. Campbell replied that he did not think it is time for such a drastic move, but he will keep the offer in mind if Michael is willing to leave the door open.

Campbell stared at the Neans as they arrived en masse, with the same feelings the Normals do when they come here with us. He tried not to frown when he saw Goldi sit on Orgg’s lap and I hid my grin - my golden wife seems to have made more of an impact on him than I’d realised.

We had to give another telling, with many grunts and exclamations of surprise from the audience - the girls say that doing a telling for less sophisticated audiences is far more satisfying because they always respond, however many times they’ve seen the tellings. At first Campbell stayed away, but I suppose the noise from the audience made him curious and he came to watch and got hooked, staying until the end. Cherine did a golden circle of love using Jeskine and Orgg to start it off and we had some very happy Neans walking around for the next few days.

King Illafayéd was present and during one of the meals he was informed that he has been inducted into our Think Tank of philosophers and we made him aware of the first duty that has been assigned to them. He must have decided it was my doing, for he tried to get his revenge by nominating me as a member also. Luckily Robbie opposed his motion. Our TTofP only has two members, the king and Luigi but we have already chosen another seven from among the aliens and I think ex-president Chung should also join them. Michael suggested someone named Dean Modime, a black South African from the reality of the Robert and Cherine who’d helped Robbie at Eddie’s camp when he thought he’d killed his sister. Apparently Modime has written a number of books about the future of racism and though he is not optimistic he has made some good points that are helping to heal the past. Michael probably favours him because he sees the Ipohin as the most effective branch of mankind, claiming they will be responsible for the greatest changes among the Normals. I could argue that point, but do not see any reason why I should. All of us, Ipohin, Cherinians and even Campbellites will have an effect - mostly positive I hope, so it does not matter which of us is the most popular for a time.

Jeskine asked King Meesartus to show us what his people have done during our absence, so we accompanied him as he jumped us to various areas in Asia and Europe. We found his people in the Nean villages, helping them to develop their agriculture and they now even have herds of cattle. We were told that the cattle are not doing well in all the regions, but we decided not to help by bringing strains who’ve adapted to those areas. It is better they develop their own strains and food can be jumped to them in the meantime.

Robbie jumped back to Kiris and was told they want to stay another year. I’m very pleased. For Sebura to make such a decision means he is learning a lot from Kiris and his people - the girls pointed out that he is probably learning mostly from Samuel King.


There are now three pastry shops and Pironalle informed us she wants to open a couple in the Nean towns, but she has not worked out yet how they should pay for the pastries. We asked Mintus what they had traded for and he told us it was mostly for chunks of marble and granite. They would not be a satisfactory medium as payment for the pastries. Robbie suggested honey from Mt Ymittos. He jumped to find a hive and brought some honey, keeping most of the honeycomb for himself. The royal family agreed a price for buying whatever honey she obtains and Pironalle now felt she could plan her first Nean pastry shop. They will only sell the big slices. We do not have any apiarists in Freddie so we promised to find some and contract for them to spend two years here to teach the Neans.

Robbie disappeared for half a day and then we sensed him close to ‘Athens’. He’d brought thousands of young olive trees and he planted them all around the Neans and then showed them some olives and promised to return with farmers who’ll teach them how to harvest and prepare the olives and olive oil. They do have olives in this reality, but they are more bitter than ours. Hopefully the Neans will soon have commodities for trading so that they do not only depend on Cherinianism for the friendship between the species.

The scientists in Freddie have had a secret for some time now, but we did not show we sensed them. Today they no longer could contain their excitement and asked us to go with them to the Sparkler World.

We were shown a stasis bubble that is about the size of five solar systems! They explained that Solomon created it for them so as to contain their experiment (and make it possible). Inside the bubble, as we saw from cameras inside, water runs uphill! They started giving us details of how even the cameras had to be specially built as electricity also ‘runs’ in the opposite direction. I can’t visualise what they mean by that. They are still experimenting, but hope to prove that light travels at a different speed in there…maybe even time!

They did not need to tell us that this is the biggest breakthrough any group of scientists of any known species has achieved and we exclaimed with wonder and congratulated them. Robbie asked whether it is possible for us to enter the stasis shield, but they explained that even if we can we must not, as even thought processes are of an electrical nature and the results could be disastrous. Cherine asked whether a soul could survive in there, but they cannot answer her as none of us would agree to a soul being risked. Robbie then wanted to know whether that space has its own void and does it follow the same rules as our void. Again, it is not possible to know.

I had a weird idea and was certain they’d laugh at me. “What are the possibilities that what we see is not real?” Startled they looked at me. “Sorry, I don’t mean real, what I meant is, what if I could enter there and I looked at the water, would I still see it running uphill or would it seem to me to be running downhill?” Campbell looked bewildered when both Robbie and Michael chuckled. He looked even more confused when the scientists took my question seriously and assured me it is possible I am right.

“Samantha, it was your suggestion that such realities could be possible that led to us spending decades on developing and refining theories that have culminated in what you see. There is a strong possibility your latest question could be valid, but we do not see how we can prove it - only through mathematics can we prove the truth, but the sciences and theories we had to evolve are still not fully understood by us, so it will probably be decades before we understand enough to develop a mathematical model that would be based on facts.”

I forgot everyone else as I sank into my thoughts, speaking out aloud. “As scientists I presume you have take all variables into consideration. For instance, what we see could be an illusion thanks to the Sparklers. We know that what you wish for comes into existence here. The second possibility is that the science will never make sense to us because this is an assumption by Arthur and we already have proof that his assumptions are often not based on scientific facts. Mezil, I am not a scientist and I prefer to find a way to prove what we see, now.” I came to as I felt her beautiful Anadir eyes trying to pierce mine, shock on her face.

“There is no way we can prove any theory at this time Samantha.” One of the Unation scientists, an older one, made to stop her, but resigned himself to allowing her to speak. Now all their eyes burned with a question.

Self-consciously I laughed. “I didn’t mean I have a way, I was only suggesting that there might be a logical way to prove your theories.”

“Such as?” another scientist asked.


“Well, what if I hive off a splinter of my soul and Robbie places it within a stasis shield aligned to your big one so that it can pass through? If we could get it to return to us we’d then have our answer. I just can’t think of a way to bring it back since it will be outside of our influence the instant it passes through the big stasis shield. There is one more problem I don’t know the answer to. Say we found a way to bring it back, since it will be within a stasis shield of its own, will it be as if it is within our kind of reality and would only see or sense what we do? Would it explode if the stasis shield holding it lets it go because of some natural law that is different there?”

Solomon provided tables, chairs, coffee for Robbie and drinks for the rest of us while the scientists checked their theories and argued. Robbie came to me and Syrina emptied the chair next to me for him. He sat and put his hand to my chin and turned my face so that I’d have to look into his eyes. “Samantha, you will not send a splinter of your soul. Never again!”

“Does that hold true for you also?”

“Only if lives do not depend on it. Sam, if you try to defy or trick me I’ll ask Solomon to get rid of that.” He nodded at the bubble floating in the distance.

I was annoyed, but what he said led my thoughts in a new direction. “What if someone sends a part of themselves - not necessarily a soul splinter? Would you object?”

“Not a splinter? What could they send Sam?”

“Energy - self aware energy.”

“What the hell are you talking about!”

I giggled and then asked aloud, knowing he’d hear me, “Ambros, if you send a tiny part of yourself, but large enough to be capable of thinking, would it hold any part of your soul?”

SB appeared by me. “Do I have a soul Samantha?”

“Are you newly formed or are you the same Silver Boy we have known for years now?”

Curiously he stared. “There is a difference? Am I not formed every time Ambros wishes to communicate or share with the ‘not I’?”

“In between your appearances you are totally reabsorbed by Ambros?”

“I am Ambros Samantha.”

“I disagree and I have proof.” Everyone had been following our discussion with interest. My statement hit them all like a bombshell.

“I Ambros ask, what proof Samantha?”

“Not just one Ambros, or should I say that cumulatively they offer the proof I spoke of? Tell me Ambros, since you claim to only be a mind, why would you cry; are you certain it was not just Silver Boy who wept tears? Next point. Silver Boy died and then we returned to the past and gave you his thoughts. Here is the point I’m making, since Silver Boy is just a part of you, as you say, how could you keep the knowledge we’d passed on to you from him. He definitely did not know while visiting us. Ambros, I think that just as the formation of a body destroyed Silver Boy, so did it force him to become slightly different from you. He developed his own personality because of his experiences, even if he did share with you every day. I cannot argue he has a soul for we never sensed one, but he was an individual as the Sparklers are; part of one mind and yet individuals also.”

He remained silent for over an hour and then suddenly spoke, his words electrifying all of us. “Then I can be one and many?”

Robbie glanced at me and I gestured for him to take over. “You wish to create a multitude of personalities such as Silver Boy? Would you prefer the Sparklers create a planet of your own for them to grow as a society?”

SB gave one of his rare smiles. “You wish me to be as a mother soul - as described by you? Would it not serve me better to have parts with all the species so that I experience from all?”

Solomon quietly warned us that Ambros (in his energy body) is showing signs of over-excitement and he feared it could harm him. Robbie nodded. “Ambros, for each species you wish to join, first ask their permission, since your entity or entities would have to live among them. Take your time to think it out properly before you do anything.”

Next [Book 11] - Post 052

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 9th Jly, 2020

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