The Silent Bot

in #silentbot2 years ago

The bot on this account is currently not running yet. This post describes the purpose of the Silent Bot account that will become truly active in February 2022 after @pibara delegates all of his #creativecoin CCC tokens to this account. Before that date, expect some bot testing to be going on from this account.

The Silent Bob curation initiative will curate #creativecoin posts with one of the tags:

  • fiction
  • poetry
  • bookreview

And there will be only a few accounts that the Silent Bot will listen to. @pibara, and a yet to determine Spanish language curator, if @pibara can find one.

The bot will implement two commands:

  • star [starcount]
  • abuse [abusetype]


The star command, when issued by a Silent Bob curator will result in two actions. A post of a proper amount of stars comment on the post the star command is issued on. Such a comment will look something like this:


Secondly, the post will get marked for upvoting. Upvoting will not be instantaneous but will be scheduled as to make the relative value of upvotes be the same, and as to limit the amount of time that the bots upvote potential is at 100%.


Abuse commands, depending on the type of command and the number of abuse events for the account will result in:

  • The bot posting an abuse icon.
  • The bot doing a downvote of the post.

Depending on the type of abuse and on the number of times the abuse took place:

  • The downvote might be stronger
  • The account can get blacklisted and thus excluded from future curation.

Not yet operational

The bot isn't operational yet for two reasons:

  • It isn't finished yet
  • @pibara has three outstanding delegations that won't end until February 1st

If you see any @silentbot stuff in your comments, that would mean @pibara is just testing some code, ignore it for now.