
A difficult topic. People currently use all kinds of alternative channels and if you don't participate, you won't belong to any group. I have the problem that people network on telegram. I don't use it and I don't want to use it, neither do bitchutes. This is all just old wine in new bottles. I already didn't want to use whatsapp. I was considered old-fashioned, stubborn and skeptical because I was reluctant to jump on these bandwagon. It shows me that the physical life is not lived.

What is really important are the local events around me, the neighbors I meet. For years I had the idea of having an open day in my apartment building, but never realized it. Something held me back. Well, in these times it is all the more suspicious to initiate such a thing at all. I missed the opportunities when they would have been easy to put into practice. Even the groups that have agreed on one thing in principle unintentionally shut down the bulkheads because they no longer trust other channels. And so every thing is lost if you don't even give your phone number, don't answer mails and contact attempts get lost in the void. The people are weaker than ever, it seems. Not making themselves vulnerable results in the great disadvantage of not being able to form alliances.

As for the so-called communities here, I agree with you, there is a fine line between chumming up and being cast. I think something like applying for a membership is more of an indirect matter, something where you just participate, stay on for a longer time, get actively involved and encouraging and at some point it is evident that you belong to a community without any application process but by a continuous presence in which you have earned your reputation. In principle, tagging should be enough and done.

@logiczombie is in my eyes someone who has created his own community, because he simply follows his topic and has not been looking for classic recruiting measures so far. A community is best formed organically, not planned, but spontaneously and skilfully through a common interest, which nobody should really pour into a manifesto. In my opinion.

When communities was first proposed by ned, I said that all it would do is balkanize our community.
It appears I was right.

I guess it is too much to ask of 'normal' people to not clique up to benefit themselves at the expense of others.

I needed half of my lifetime to adjust into the system and the other half to free myself from my beliefs. So, yes, it's a lot to ask for but I guess one should not ask for less than that.

Less is not acceptable, imo.