ESP- ENG Pulsera de Nudo Plano / Flat Knot Bracelet

in #spanish2 years ago


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¿Hola a todos cómo están? Me encanta las pulseras, por esa razón creo mis propios accesorios así que, El día de hoy les voy a enseñar como hacer una pulsera de nudo plano, súper linda. Los materiales a utilizar son:
  • 2 metros de hilo chino
  • 5 balines
  • Separador o dije
  • Fósforos
  • Tijera
  • Cinta adhesiva
Hello everyone how are you? I love bracelets, for that reason I create my own accessories so, today I am going to show you how to make a super cute flat knot bracelet. The materials to use are:
  • 2 meters of Chinese thread
  • 5 balls
  • A separator or pendant
  • Matches
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape


Lo primero que haremos es medir el tamaño de la muñeca con el hilo chino y cortamos, este será el largor de nuestra pulsera, doblamos ese pedazo de hilo por la mitad para saber dónde va nuestro dije, en mi caso utilice un separador en forma de corazón, con un pedacito de cinta fijamos el hilo en una superficie plana para que no se mueva. Luego con el hilo restante lo dividimos en dos partes iguales.
The first thing we will do is measure the size of the wrist with the Chinese thread and cut, this will be the length of our bracelet, we fold that piece of thread in half to know where our pendant goes, in my case I used a heart-shaped separator, with a piece of tape we fix the thread on a flat surface so that it does not move. Then with the remaining thread we divide it in two equal parts.


Colocamos el dije justo en la mitad, y tomamos uno de los hijos que cortamos en el paso anterior, y con este realizamos un nudo normal para fijarlo justo al dije, para realizar el nudo plano vamos a tomar el hilo de la izquierda y lo pasamos por encima del hilo del centro luego tomamos el hilo de la derecha y lo colocamos encima, con la punta del hilo de la derecha la pasamos por debajo del hijo del centro y aprieta lentamente. Luego realizamos otro nudo, pero de forma invertida, toma el hilo de la derecha por encima del hilo del centro luego toma el hilo de la izquierda y pásalo por encima del hilo, pero la punta del hilo por debajo del hilo del centro y aprieta lentamente.
We place the pendant right in the middle, and we take one of the sons that we cut in the previous step, and with this we make a normal knot to fix it right to the pendant, to make the flat knot we will take the left thread and pass it over the center thread then we take the right thread and place it on top, with the tip of the right thread we pass it under the center son and slowly tighten it. Then we make another knot, but in reverse, take the thread on the right over the center thread then take the thread on the left and pass it over the thread, but the tip of the thread under the center thread and tighten slowly.


Después de 5 nudos colocamos un balín y volvemos a realizar el mismo procedimiento 5 nudos más y otro balín, con el hilo restante terminamos de realizar el nudo, repetimos el mismo procedimiento para el otro lado de la pulsera, finalmente cortamos los excedentes y con la ayuda de un fosforo quemas las puntas para que la pulsera no se desate.
After 5 knots we place a ball and we return to make the same procedure 5 more knots and another ball, with the remaining thread we finish making the knot, we repeat the same procedure for the other side of the bracelet, finally we cut the excess and with the help of a phosphorus we burn the ends so that the bracelet does not come untied.



Para asegura nuestra pulsera tomaremos un balín e intercalamos los hilos, y en las puntas hacemos un nudo. Y Listo terminamos la pulsera
To secure our bracelet we will take a ball and intersperse the threads, and at the ends we tie a knot. And that's it, we finish the bracelet


Espero que esta publicación haya sido de tu agrado

I hope this publication was to your liking

Nos vemos en una próxima publicación.

See you in a future post.

Traduccion realizada en DeepL


Hi @mariaalejandra23. I see you've been here for a month, but somehow you don't seem to socialize at all. You are not replying to comments, you made two comments so far.

I'd like to remind you that replying to comments is way of appreciation for those who have spent the time to read and comment on your post.

Looks like you haven't found anyone interesting to follow as you're only following one user. I left you a comment 3 weeks ago, here, trying to help you to look at communities and try to join a few, but without luck.

It's a shame to shame to waste good content due to not reaching the right audience.

Hello, thank you for your comment

I will take into account everything you tell me to improve since I am still learning how to use the platform.

Greetings friend @mariaalejandra23 you have done a nice job, this bracelet is very fashionable and the color used is very nice, I invite you to post about accessories in the community of @jewelry a community dedicated to them, we leave you the link to visit us and if you like you can follow us and post there.


Thanks for the invitation I will stop by.