En mi practica de uñas en Resina/ In my resin nail practice.

in #spanish4 years ago

Saludos queridos amigos, feliz y Bendecida mañana para todos.


Les comparte las uñitas em resina que hice ayer, esto es practica con mis vecinas y amigas todavia me falta mucho por aprender y mejorar solo hay que ponerle tiempo y dedicacion, la verdad me gusta mucho hacer uñitas y le he tomado un gusto.


He shares the resin nails I made yesterday, this is practical with my neighbors and friends, I still have a lot to learn and improve, I just have to put time and dedication, the truth is, I really like making nails and I have taken a liking to it.


Espero les guste, gracias por el apoyo.


I really liked your post and your work!

If interested, I created a specific community to share and disseminate works done in
nails: https://ecency.com/created/hive-120085

A hug! See you next time!