Splinterlands: how do I join a guild?

I have been playing splinterlands for about a month and I am still a bronze 3. I enjoy the game and I have to admit it is a beautifully done game. I would like to find a guild to join and learn more about the game. However, all the guilds that are listed are either full or require a ton of tribute.

I know that there are a lot of splinterlands players out there. I would appreciate any help or comments on this. If you have any comment or advice to get past bronze 3, I’d appreciate that too.


Rent cards and experiment. Venari Wavesmith is a very good card to add to your collection to increase winrate. Finding a decent guild is kinda difficult and with DEC at over .01 its about $100 to start one.

Thank you for your advice, my friend. I’ll try. Good luck in splinterlands and life:)

Thanks you too. Check out how I progressed in my posts, I have been trying to write it all down for others to use my successes and failures to help themselves.

Thanks. I will do that.