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RE: Perspective: Steem was meant to be for content creators and consumers

in #steem6 years ago

im wondering this too. my blog is at book length since september, just privacy workshop is 30k words i just counted, and i can't get more than 10 upvotes from accounts that don't even look real. (although i write about scary conspiracy stuff which maybe i understand, but still very little anon donor activity)

i think the question in the long term is the spam will flood the blockchain to the point where it isn't profitable for anyone to maintain it. if it is a ponzi then as soon as new users stop coming in and spending money to get SP so they have like ANY chance of being seen or earning, the whole thing will collapse.

SP price will in the long term indicate, for now it looks like the people with 100k SP are pretty pretty interested in things going the way they are, which may in a backwards way keep the content online and uncensored.

that is my main thing, i want what i write to stay up and not be censored or silod like i believe happens on reddit.

idk im pretty disappointed at the small % of intellectual response that I get compared to the effort it takes to write a book length blog. idk i guess ive made some coin so that is better than any other $0 upvote situation.

But the point was to make a new system, not another plutacracy where the ones who inherited or got there first rule, and truth and quality are meaningless. that is not the new world crytpo coin was advertised as, or the internet, or the computer for that matter.