Who Won the First Contest for Sponsorship to @SteemBasicIncome?


Who Won the First Contest for Sponsorship to @SteemBasicIncome?

Participants for the contest were:


And the winner is...


Opens red envelope...


Drum roll....


Quick Commercial:

hobo icon.png

It's @ayushjalan!

Anyone not picked can feel free to try again with a different post on the next contest!

What's this below?

@hobo.media aims to help the folk with very little SP build up through upvotes. I can help the winner of this challenge by sponsoring them for @steembasicincome, but others can get help directly from @hobo.media as well. Just delegate 10 SP to @hobo.media and you'll be added to @hobo.media's active upvote stream to receive regular upvotes.

hobo logo.png

Follow for random upvotes!


Sneaky-Ninja-Throwing-Coin 125px.jpg
Defended (12.50%)
Summoned by @hobo.media
Sneaky Ninja supports @youarehope and @tarc with a percentage of all bids.
Everything You Need To Know About Sneaky Ninja
