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RE: Just So We're Clear - The Tech Manager of Steemit Is Anti Democracy and Pro Oligarchy - in His Own Words.

in #steemit6 years ago

Hundreds of years of success prove that democracy is not overrated. Democracy is highly rated to this day, as it will be sometime into the future. Democracy is about empowering all individuals. Democracy is about all individuals combining their power for the benefit of all. It's not democracy versus deep state. It's not about the middle class versus wealthy. The past present and future success for everyone in the world is about bringing together the best of all worlds, including the best libertarian thinking, the best anarchists, the best of the wealthy, the best deep state bureaucrats and politicos, the best of Wall Street and the best of Main Street. It's about the magic that happens when like-minded, alternative thinking and opposition are all empowered and actively engaged together to make the world a better place for everyone. Together we rise.