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RE: How I Made $162,306+ Through Blogging [+ What You Need]

in #steemit7 years ago

Nice, didn't realize you invested in real estate. I have also done that here in the US as I hadn't learned about crypto yet and refused to buy into an over extended US stock market.

You are right about mindset. I came from a family with little means growing up, I have worked hard and improved myself and my mindset over the years and boy has it made a difference.

There are certain quotes or mantras I use that mesh with your 5 points.

Here are just a couple:
"Stay busy, stay working. Gotta treat things like when you were an intern."
"You cannot be angry and grateful at the same time"

Great post, really enjoyed it. Look forward to when my scaredycatguide website is doing half the traffic of you blog!


"Stay busy, stay working. Gotta treat things like when you were an intern."
"You cannot be angry and grateful at the same time"

I love these quotes. And SUPER glad to know you improved and worked harder.

Boy, isn't that such a good feeling?

That we are responsible for our own journey?

Your website will do well. Hope and pray it does. Let me know if you need anything and I will be more than happy to share.

Much appreciated sid, and same to you.

@scaredycatguide @sidwrites
Did some unimaginable works that Humans may find hard to do well.
I might not presume like, it's gotcha catch humans... ha ha...
See: How the Predictions, 1875 of Isaac Asimov's become reality in the 20s
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