They feed us poison

in #steempress4 years ago (edited)

They feed us poison


This article will cite the numerous ways they feed us poison. People don't believe we are being poisoned, so here's the evidence.

They, being the evils (the various different levels of 13 families) who control the world. Here is my list, but as I investigate more, the evils at the top of the evil pyramid are NOT human. I do recommend you sign up to my channel here so you get more information as I find the time to upload it.

If you don't know who I'm referring to, in short, since the beginning of time that's been recorded, there have been families that had murder in their blood.

They had many children by procreating with family members and the families grew.

They started war after war and harmed everyone in their wake.

They changed their names so as to not be traced, and they control us (always have) and everything we can do, our economic system, what foods we can eat, what we can buy, what man-made laws they create to control us, etc. While these are just the company names, here's proof of what they own and pretty soon they will own everything you worked hard to buy.

They control our minds and the lies they spew, yes, even the history books and at least the school systems in the first world countries.

I call them the evils because they really are beyond evil, and elite sounds like they are special and above us and they AREN'T, and deep state sounds stupid to me because that implies they only come from the government and they don't. They control the governments who then control us, the 99%. They are all over the world, but mainly in Europe and America. They have people all over in every country.

If it's easier, you can call them the 1%, but that makes it seem like they are all about money and they aren't.

Here is a good video on why we get the flu, and here's a list of ways to help ease your pain when you get sick. I also have a lot of healing frequency tones. If you need something specific, let me know, otherwise here's what I have in my MEGA folder so far.

I was going to upload them to this page, but I just don't have the time to upload hundreds of healing frequency tones. I do recommend you watch the 2 videos on that page to understand more about how we are all made up of energy and frequency.

It would be much appreciated if you could donate $1 or whatever your budget is either as a one-time donation or monthly. Here's my support page.

I'm also going to include the poisons they feed our minds which most people don't take into consideration.

Why am I sick?

So let's get started...

  1. Fluoride

    They have been putting toxic fluoride into the water in the US and Canada since the early 1900s. Most (not all) of Europe has stopped doing that which is probably one of the reasons they are smarter than Americans and Canadians. I recently found out that they have also been poisoning people in the UK with fluoride.

    Fluoride harms the brain by lowering our IQ, and it pacifies humans so they don't fight back.

    Fluoride also causes cancer, ADD and hyperactivity. You can watch this short fluoride documentary here.

    Even if you drink filtered water, you will still get fluoride from taking showers, washing your face/hands, brushing your teeth, and when you go out to a restaurant, 99% of the time they use fluoridated tap water to cook their food. Only some high end restaurants have a water filtration system.

    Same with any bottled juice you drink and of course the toxic pops/colas.

    You can watch an in-depth lecture on fluoride here.

    Cows get bone disease by fluoride pollution. Airborne fluorides have caused more worldwide damage to domestic animals than any other air pollutants quoted by the US Department of Agriculture in 1970.

    In 1962 they abused poor dogs to test how they would react to fluoride in the air because they wanted to know what happens with workers in those manufacturing plants. The dogs who breathed it for 6 days had huge lung damage and damage to their lymph nodes. This caused emphysema.

    Fluoride in the water is not pharmaceutical, it's industrial waste, and odds are, your dentist is so uneducated, he/she doesn't even know that.

    03-02-21 - someone's comment in a fakebook group... "MY STEP DAUGHTER is one step below a DENTISET she told me that when they get rid of EXPIRED FLUORIDE they have to wear hazmat suits."

    The government has been hiding the truth about fluoride and forcing it on both Americans and Canada for over a hundred years. Every time a scientist tells the truth, THEY ARE FIRED and they lose their grants! That is evidence right there that they want people to get sick from it.

    Why do you think 95% of all scientists NEVER COME FORWARD!

  2. Other Toxic Chemicals

    Let's continue with the water topic. Do you know how many OTHER chemicals there are in tap water all over the US. Yes there are chemicals in other countries, but I'll bet you anything America is the WINNER in how many chemicals there are in the public water system and even now in well water. This is ALL due to toxic manufacturing plants that spread poisons and the evils screwing around with mother nature and disrupting naturally occurring poisons in our earth that should never be touched?

    Here's the SHOCKING list.

    a) Chlorine (which causes byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) b) Lead c) Copper d) PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) - this is that toxic chemical on the bottom of your non stick pots and pans. I highly recommend you get rid of those. I stopped using them years ago and switched to high-quality stainless steel which isn't as hard to clean as they make it seem. Just soak it after cooking, or put in some water, all-natural dishwashing liquid (this is the brand I use), and white vinegar, and simmer it for 20 minutes. Then you can use baking soda as an all natural abrasive if there's some really stuck on dirt. e) Perchlorate f) Mercury g) PCBs h) Arsenic i) Perchlorate j) Dioxins k) DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane) l) HCB (Hexachlorobenzene) m) Nitrate n) Manganese (yes we need magnesium in our bodies, but not at these levels for children) o) Dacthal p) MtBE q) Radioactive substances (radium) r) Antibiotics dumped into the water supply along with LSD to make people brain dead.

    LSD may be good for a trip to dig deep into your conscious, but on a regular basis in small quantities, it's meant to poison and make people docile just like with the fluoride.

    Like this article states, there are probably a ton more toxins in the water we aren't even aware of, and this is a HUGE problem all over the US, not just in Flint, Michigan.

    Here's another great article (amazingly mainstream) with more details, and they talk about Erin Brockovich who has been advocating for our health ever since she was poisoned in her home town many many years ago. She fought back and there was even a movie made about her. I recommend you follow her on Twitter.

    And lastly, here's an article that discusses how all of the water pipes in America are crumbling (therefore poisoning us), and of course the criminals in government aren't doing one thing about it. Of course the evil's lying MSM isn't reporting on any of the poisons in our water or the crumbling infrastructure.

    Why should they? This is how they feed us poison.

    I'm not 100% sure of this as I'm still researching, but I have a strong feeling this is how they are making people sick with covid-19. Through the water supply.

    On July 09, 2020 in a very long Facebook thread many women said that they have noticed the increase of chlorine in their tap water so that it's burning their eyes, and it reaks of chlorine.

    Others said now there's a white film they are noticing and others said that even their water filtration system isn't preventing it.

  3. Fake food

    Let's move onto all of the fake food we have been subjected to since around the 1950s.

    That's when the fast food industry came to fruition and when they started marketing fake grocery store food to mothers using their propaganda that they wouldn't have to spend hours in the kitchen anymore.

    While that's true, they, of course, failed to mention how it's not REAL food. It's a bunch of chemicals thrown into a mix and instead of you eating REAL food, you are eating FAKE FOOD which of course has no nutritional value at all and the chemicals harm you.

    When they first started with the fake food at least there was SOME real food in it, but over the years they removed real food so much so that now it's totally gone. It's so toxic, it's responsible for so many of the health issues that Americans, Canadians and other countries face. It's not the only reason people are sick, but it's a huge one.

    I recommend this book that investigated the truth about what goes into those products and you will be SHOCKED as to who bought out these companies to make them even more toxic.

    There are actual labs in Europe that create chemicals that duplicate the taste of REAL FOOD so you have no idea you are eating toxins because it tastes and even smells the same as real food - even chicken, beef, etc.

  4. High fructose corn syrup and sugar

    Corn syrup and white sugar is a toxin that harms our body. I use coconut sugar when I have to, but I don't cook with or use sugar, not even in my herbal tea.

    And if you are going to use honey, make sure it's Manuka and certified as such, because the food industry is run by the mafias. Here's a link to the New Zeland association that lists only REAL Manuka honey manufacturers. Manuka honey is very healthy for you. Even better than raw honey.

    Just so you know, there are scams GALORE in the food industry where you think you are buying something real and it's not.

    Even the regular honey is a whole scam industry. I don't recommend regular honey, although raw honey is best if you are going to use honey. Most of what's in the honey you buy is not 100% REAL honey.

    Amazingly honey is such a competitive industry, that people steal beekeepers' bees. WOW!

    The book above discusses how sugar is literally in EVERYTHING we eat when it's fake food. Even when you go to a fake food restaurant they put sugar and corn syrup in a lot of their foods.

    You think you are getting a better quality meal, but you aren't, and I'm not even talking about the fast food places like McDonalds, KFC, Subway, etc., I'm also talking about the chain sit down "restaurants" where everything is frozen and they just heat it up.

    It's all made in huge quantities and shipped nationwide, and they do NOT care about your health, only about making money off of you.

    You need to find small mom and pop restaurants where the owners actually care about cooking REAL food from scratch and they use a stove and oven, NOT a toxic microwave. And diners don't count because a lot of these diners never cook the food at all, they also just heat up the frozen toxic food, not to mention they use the toxic canola or sunflower oil.

    Here's an article that discusses sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

  5. GMO (genetically modified organisms)

    GMO is basically Frankenstein seeds created in a lab that evil corps have a patent on so you can't use their seeds without paying for them.

    There is nothing natural about them and all the science and signs point to the GMO plants/seeds causing many different types of cancer, infertility, hormone issues and more.

    Of course the WHO (you know the WHO that is causing us psychological warfare with the masks and imprisonment, social distancing, etc.) did ONE scientific study judging the GMO food for only 90 days and when other scientists studied GMO, they found that all the health problems started AFTER 90 days.

    How convenient to limit the amount of time they study the GMO food.

    Guess what else they only study for a short period of time and then say it's safe because no illness occurred right away.... VACCINES!

    Clearly this is the evils' go to method for rolling out fake science to prove to the masses who worship science that all is fine with in the world.

    I still have to upload the Percy vs Monsanto podcast and my notes so you can listen to that. It will show you just one example of how evil Monsanto is. And don't think for one minute they aren't part of the evil collective.

    But keep in mind that Monsanto (now Bayer) isn't the only evil corp that provides GMOs.

    No one creates a company with a product that makes people very sick and kills them unless they are from the evil bloodline. It's just not natural to want to harm innocent people.

    GMO has permeated the ENTIRE world pretty much. The bottom line is, if you have a natural organic garden and a GMO seed jumps across into your garden, BAMM, your organic garden will NEVER be the same and I heard from Percy that this is what Monsanto does. They dump seeds on other farmland that isn't buying their expensive toxic GMO seeds.

    Anyway, I came across a great video that explains GMO in a good way and I learned things I didn't know before. You can watch it here.

    Excuse the constant marketing push to the doctor's subscription, but it may be worth getting it. I may still get it down the road.

  6. The poison of low quality TV shows, music videos, video games, and the Internet

    All of these low quality TV shows are meant to dumb and degrade a person's brain and brainwash them to believe certain things that aren't true. In fact, every time I come across a good TV show based on intelligence or humanity, it's almost ALWAYS canceled within 1-2 seasons.

    Every other show is so shallow, it disgusts me. They are low in intelligence and of poor quality in the writing, direction and acting. That's probably why they also came out with reality shows to make people think reality TV is real.

    I came to learn a couple of years ago that the episodes are edited to prove a point so you don't really see the truth of what is happening.

    They also tell the people how to act, so there's absolutely nothing natural about reality TV.

    Oh, and the producers will even covertly set the contestants up by lying to them to get a certain reaction out of them on camera. Again, nothing spontaneous about that.

    Since its inception, the evils have been using hollywood to literally tell you what to think about things. And since 2019's TV season in the fall, I've noticed that the propagandas has gone through the ROOF.

    TV shows, video games, album covers, and comic books are also used for predictive programming so they tell us what evil things the evils plan to do to us in the future.

    They say that if we don't stop them, then it's our fault these things happen.

    Here's just 2 videos on 911 that prove that it was pre-planned for 60 or so years. This one here, and this one has tons of examples.

    TV shows, video games and comic books are meant to desensitize people to violence, rape, emotionless sex, bullying, etc. They have brainwashed people so they think that physically and emotionally abusing others is a normal part of everyday life.

    It also stops people from feeling anything for themselves, helps stifle their intuition, and also stops them from having empathy for their fellow human brother and sister. Other chemical factors play a role in that last empathy part as well.

    Almost every single TV show is either some stupid sitcom, a show full of violence, a show that shows cops as being heroes when they are really criminals, and medical shows that push the allopathic (conventional) medical narrative so that anything holistic (all natural) is seen as a joke, scam, and not normal.

    They make these medical shows to get people to worship brainless doctors in white lab coats who know nothing about health (only disease), fake science, toxic drugs that harm the body and mind, and cutting people's body's open (surgery.)

    When people are in a state of oblivion, it's much much easier to tell them what to do so they listen and obey the government, fake allopathic doctors, the mainstream media, the prison brainwashing school systems, etc.

    And while there were always shows of violence when I was growing up in the 70s, nothing can even remotely compare to the amount of grotesque violence there is in TV shows and movies now and it has gotten worse ever since the 80s-90s.

    Interesting how a lot of very negative poisons from the evils started in and around the 1990s. Even the Internet was essentially started in 1994.

    The internet and cell phones have caused major issues where people no longer socialize which is very very unhealthy for the human race.

    They sit in front of the computer screen or on their cell phone and can only type out their conversations. People are now afraid to talk on the phone or in person. I'll just briefly say that sitting in front of the computer every day is also toxic for the body. There's Computer Vision Syndrome (Occupational Asthenopia) which affects your eyes and I have that, and then all the health issues with sitting in front of the computer for 7-14 hours a day.

    Humans weren't meant to sit for that long and yet they shoved the computer into our lives, so that's what we do now.

    Look at how many jobs require sitting in front of the computer vs what jobs were available before the computer was around in every office and home.

    And if you don't already know, both the computer (PC), monitor, modem, wifi, and the cell phone are very toxic to the human body and all living things. That's another way they poison us through EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), RFs (radioactive frequencies), and DE (dirty electricity).

    I know full well that they could have created all of these devices without them being toxic. And I know they know they are toxic because the telecommunication industries have been told that before and there are even Russian studies going back to the 1960s that said they were toxic.

    Here, read this and this. I have many more.

    From a sociological standpoint, they want people using these devices to bury themselves away from OTHER humans so they become hermits and don't want to socialize, learn how to communicate properly, work on their relationships, work on their inner issues, or even make love and procreate.

    I am not against porn, but it's a fact that the illuminati (the evils) probably started the porn industry or at least own almost all of it, and the porn industry has become so disgusting online, that men can no longer be satisfied sexually by their girlfriends or wives.

    Because this type of porn is so disgusting, they start to have kinks they had no interest in before. Kinks that are part of the very dark side.

    A huge amount of men masturbate anywhere between 5-10 times a day now and have harmed their penis and can't even cum anymore. They are addicted to online porn, webcam models, phone sex, etc.

    Make no mistake, this is ALL poison on our humanity.

    Some men who are over the age of 18, but are little boys living in a man's body use cell phones or devices that have avatars on them to replace girlfriends and sex.

    And the sex doll industry has increased quite a bit over the years. Now you can buy a doll that is so lifelike, why would they even need a real human being???

    Again, I have no problem with something like that as it's kind of cool, but when they are using it to replace real live women, then I HAVE a problem with it.

    AI will be replacing humans, we've seen the writing on the wall for a while now and if most of us are dead due to eugenics and the rest are transhuman, then of course robots will become these people's intimate partners.

    All of these factors literally make living breathing humans into robot-like zombies which is exactly what the evils want, as it falls in line with their transhuman agenda.

    Why do you think they have been forcing the switch from PC to mobile phone for the last 3-5 years?

    I know a lot about the online business industry, and I can't stand the fact that so many of the new pieces of software are now ONLY available on your mobile phone. I just got pissed off at another company last week who only has their software available as an app.

    Even some banks won't let you access your account unless they can text you a security code. Calling is out of the question. What about all the people who don't want to use a cell phone because it is so toxic?

    They even got rid of shelf stereos forcing you to use your cell phone to listen to your music.

    More access to your toxic cell phone means more harm to your cells and DNA and we know there's a link to infertility and all things cell phone, cell tower, etc.

    And another company wants to ONLY do 2FA (2 factor authentication) which can ONLY be done by your cell phone.


    You think this is just because mobile phones are easier to use and buy?

    No they aren't. Not for me they aren't. And the new cell phones cost more than a PC or at least roughly the same amount.

    On a cell phone I can't type with 2 hands, I can't quickly get around from one place to another, I can't do nearly as much as I can with a PC.

    If google wasn't pushing it, and every other company wasn't pushing it, I wouldn't have become suspicious about it, but they are and they have been for a while now.

    It's because they can control YOU when all you use is your mobile phone and they can't do that with your PC although I still think they can because they can see everything you are typing. Windows tracks us and of course google does.

    But when you leave the house they can't tell where you are going unless you are on a smartphone. Now they will be using your cell phone for contact tracing. You think the evils didn't think about that well in advance?

    Back to the sociological poisons... Why do you think they are forcing us to do social distancing?

    You think it's because they care about you getting covid19? LOL Not on your life - LITERALLY.

    Kids (and many adults) can't even share a meal without staring at their cell phones. They are addicted to it and it's gotten way out of control.

    I saw a news show at least 5-7 years ago that showed that people somewhere in Europe never look up from their mobile phone and instead of calling people, they just text.

    I admit I'm addicted to my computer, but socialization outside my home office will always trump the net so long as the person I'm with is interesting and we are getting along.

    And I can't stand typing out long conversations.

    Voice inflection plays a HUGE part in communication. If you are well versed, you can actually tell when someone is lying by their voice.

    I can tell how nervous a person is by their voice, angry, excited, etc.

    Then when you are in front of someone, you can read their body language. That's 80% of how we communicate with other people.

    So they are definitely poisoning us by making is so people can't (and now won't) communicate with others properly, and this causes a breakdown in society, anger, frustration, and no peace.

    Music videos are all about cheap sex, trashy clothes which I used to think was sexy (and it was), but at some point it became disgusting to me as it got way worse then what was like in the 80s and 90s.

    Young girls have been trying to dress like the evil owned sexy music stars for decades. Back then I didn't know that almost everyone who makes it in hollywood and the music industry are luciferian owned and probably also mind controlled. They wouldn't make it any other way unless they sell themselves to the evils.

    Hollywood and the music industry have always been ripe with rape, sexual assault, theft, scams, drugs, and control and it's very evil.

    And make no mistake, I LOVE music. It moves my soul and always will.

    But as John Lennon once said... well you can listen for yourself here.

  7. Vegetable and fruit production

    They purposely grow veggies and fruit that aren't ripe and are toxic.

    They can use every excuse in the book that it can't be picked ripe because it will spoil by the time it hits the store, but that's just an excuse or lie.

    If there's a will, there's a way and how did we get ripe clean produce back in the 50's and 60's???

    If you are eating unripened produce which everyone IS unless they grow their own produce or they buy from a farmer they know who will pick the vegetables and fruit ripe, you are NOT getting the vitamins and minerals from what you are eating.

    Then let's add to that how they have purposely killed the soil the produce is grown in.

    With all of the poisons they have sprayed (or dumped) into the soil, it's not only made the soil toxic which means your produce grows toxic, but it also depletes all the minerals and vitamins you are normally supposed to get from that vegetable.

    Again, people will say it's all about the money and Monsanto's GMO which it is, but long before Monsanto started with their roundup they were doing this. And I don't believe for one minute that they don't know that they are killing us slowly by taking away the vitamins and minerals our bodies need in order to survive and even just function properly.

    Even organic produce probably has very few vitamins and minerals in it unless the farmer cares about the soil being full of nutrients.

    You think taking a pill of vitamins and supplements will save you?

    The evils have infiltrated the holistic or "all natural" industries. They buy tons of small mom and pop companies once they have a huge following, then they change the formula so it's not all natural and most people don't even know this has happened.

    They do the same thing with all natural food companies.

    If you have to buy vitamins and minerals and if you don't get good quality, you are just throwing money away. And being forced to buy all these supplements just to get what our vegetables and fruit is supposed to naturally give us is very stressful to anyone who buys on a regular basis.

    Stress lowers our immune system and our brain and just overall makes us weaker humans.

    Again, ALL done on purpose by the evils.

  8. Glyphosate

    I think glyphosate deserves its own section just because of how toxic it is, but make NO mistake, there are other very deadly poisons out there that are almost never mentioned, and trumpet has allowed many of them back on the table to be spread around.

    Glyphosate is a worldwide toxin that has been sprayed all over the world. Allowed by the criminal governments and their criminal organizations.

    In fact, it's so prevalent, that now (just like GMO) it's impossible to get rid of unless we just banned it altogether which will never happen since China started producing it.

    It's even in the mother's breast milk and on every crop and food product that we all eat.

    It's in the vaccines that the evils force on us and is in the air we breathe.

    The evils have been protecting Monsanto (the company who created this chemical) since the 1960s when they created the mustard gas that killed and maimed millions of Vietnamese during the Vietnam war that the CIA started.

    But it's not just Monsanto, ALL of these chemical companies worldwide are protected because... you guessed it, they are owned and run by the EVILS.

    Even the names we trusted as children due to their propaganda lies have turned out to be evil.

    Just look at Johnson & Johnson who poisoned us with their talcum powder that was a household stable since 1894.

    Did you know that Johnson & Johnson also manufactures toxic vaccines?

    So I'm going to wrap this up because it came out to be a very long article and I'm sure I'm missing many other poisons like:
    1. Geoengineering - watch this here about that.
    2. The poisons from mold that has become so much more toxic due to the poisons they spray on all of our earth, the EMFs, and the way they construct our homes, schools, offices, etc. Mold poisoning is now a worldwide epidemic.
    3. I just found out about this poison is called biosludge. You can watch this here.
    4. Aluminum is toxic - watch here.
    5. Mercury in our water so we can't eat fish anymore and the poor fish have been poisoned.
    6. Farmed fisheries which are toxic. The pellets they feed them were killing the fish and us, not to mention the disease the fish get from being held prisoners in those pens. Same with shrimp and gawd knows what else they do to seafood.
    7. I almost forgot, THE pharma mafia drugs. And let's NOT forget the toxic vaccines with their brainwashing lies that everyone needs vaccines otherwise we will all die. You can watch these two videos on that topic here. Cancer in vaccines - here. Swine flu vaccine story here.
    8. Manufacturing plants that spew tons of pollution into our air that then makes us sick. They use these chemicals in their plants and then dump them in the water (oceans or our drinking water) or bury them in low income small towns/cities.
    9. Coal mining is very toxic.
    10. The nuclear testing they did in the Las Vegas area maimed and killed thousands of people and still DOES. Same thing in Japan.
    11. Meatpacking plants are very toxic. The toxins that spew into the air can affect people's health for miles away.
    12. Industrial farms (I'm not even talking about the farmlands, but livestock) is very toxic and poisons the animals and our water and soil.
    13. Plastics are very toxic. There isn't one plastic that is safe, and most containers and all the things you use in your house are made of plastic. They harm our bodies, brains, etc. If memory serves me, plastics are responsible for the decrease in men's' penises.

      Most men now have very very small penises and this is NO coincidence.

    14. They poison our economy. They make the cost of living so high both parents have to work as slaves, and no one raises the children.

      And there's usually very little money left over for anything else unless one or both are making a high income.

      Humans need vacations in order to destress.

      How many weeks of vacation do you get a year?
    15. The evils have created a society where no one knows how to communicate or work on their relationships and are never satisfied, or they rush into relationships that weren't meant to be in the first place. Then the divorce rate sky rocked to 1 out of every 2 marriages end in divorce which affects the children, the parents, costs a ton of money, and ruins everyone's lives including the extended family.

      Ruining all those people is a poison on society. Turning men against women is a thing. Yes, there's this club where men bash women and avoid them at all costs. It's been around for at least the last 5-10 years.

      Purposely making divorces stressful and expensive turns men and women against one another so they are divided and don't come together to fight the evils.

      Smart plan right?

      Making men gay means no more couples procreating and men are no longer strong to fight back. Yes, some gay men are, but most aren't.

    16. Wow, I almost forgot schools. All schools with maybe a small number are prisons meant to poison our children's minds with lies and propaganda.As I delved more into the truth, I realized that everything I learned as a child in school was a lie.The same even in Universities and colleges.Ask any allopathic doctor who switched over to holistic what he learned in medical school.All Universities at least in the US, but I'm guessing everywhere are controlled by the evils. That's a poison on our minds.
    17. I'll add to this as I remember more things. I'm sorry it was so long, but I needed to detail facts, and as you can see, each section can be an article all on its own.

      I started to write this up because I didn't want to have to type out all of the poisons that are forced on us by the evils when talking to people on social media.

      Anyway stay safe and try to be well.

      Posted from my blog with Exxp :